Senior Data Analyst

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inDrive — международный
сервис пассажирских перевозок. Мы создаем глобальный высокотехнологичный продукт, который меняет жизнь миллионов людей к лучшему.

The Ride-hailing department is looking for a Senior Data Analyst with a bias toward forecasting and time series analysis tasks to join the Operations Analytics team.


  • engage in the forecasting of key metrics based on econometric approaches and basic ML to solve monitoring, planning, and impact assessment problems;

  • develop methodology and tools for working with time series;

  • evaluate the effect of business changes using AB tests and causal inference techniques, through alternative forecasting;

  • assist the business in generating, prioritizing, and validating hypotheses;

  • generate insights and functional requirements for analytic products.


  • basic knowledge of probability theory, mathematical statistics and experience in its application;

  • skills in evaluating hypotheses, analyzing and structuring data, drawing conclusions, and finding relationships in data;

  • experience in forecasting, smoothing, seasonal-trend decomposition etc. Possible participation in the development of a framework\internal platform for forecasting;

  • practical experience in applying various methods of causal inference estimation, using EconML, CausalImpact, CausalMl libraries etc.;

  • proficient use of SQL (we have BigQuery) and Python for data analysis (NumPy / SciPy / Pandas);

  • experience mentoring / coaching a team.


  • relocation to company offices in Kazakhstan or Cyprus;

  • modern MacBook Pro and other equipment necessary for work;

  • unlimited opportunities for professional and career growth, regular external and internal training from our partners;

  • partially or fully paid additional training courses, English classes with a teacher in the office;

  • personal growth programs in which we set goals and move towards them together;

  • become part of an international team of professionals and just good people who together create one of the coolest success stories in the global IT industry.

Ключевые навыки

  • Data Analysis
  • Python
  • Forecasting
  • SQL
  • A/B тесты

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Алматы, улица Каныша Сатпаева, 22/1

Вакансия опубликована 6 июня 2024 в Алматы

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