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Женщина, 53 года, родилась 2 января 1972
Не ищет работу
Аксай (Казахстан), не готова к переезду, готова к командировкам
HR&IR Менеджер
- Менеджер по персоналу
Занятость: полная занятость
График работы: полный день, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 27 лет 11 месяцев
Март 2019 — по настоящее время
6 лет 1 месяц
SC KazTurboRemont (KTR)
Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще
IR Coordinator
* Consultation of Employer, representatives (heads of departments) on issues of collective and individual labor relations; * Notifying Management of emerging conflicts and problematic situations in the field of industrial and labor relations; * Monitor internal and external aspects of labor relations and submit relevant reports along with recommendations to Management; * Conducting monthly inspections and regular Audits in the company's Contractors for compliance with legal and established requirements;
* Maintain constant communication with Site Managers and representatives of Contracting companies to control and manage emerging conflicts; * Assistance in resolving issues between the Employer and employees related to employment and participation as Chairman at monthly meetings of representatives of the Working Committee with representatives of the Customer; * Verification and monitoring of production relations, reporting on Contractors ' work in accordance with strategy and Plan of industrial relations; * Development and maintenance of statistical reports on audits in accordance with the requirements in the field of industrial relations conducted in Contractors; * Monitoring the labor relations of employees of Contractors working on sites (sites); * Providing the appropriate level of skills for production relations and training of line managers for the Project; *Assist departments, Management, and Contractors to create and maintain healthy production and labor relationships on the Project; * Daily monitoring of the situation and the situation by conducting a site visit (construction sites); * In the event of incidents issues, coordinate team work between Department and security Managers;
* Assistance and support to contractors in developing plans and procedures for monitoring and managing SOFTWARE; * Preparation of Daily, Weekly and Monthly reports to Customer; * Holding meetings of working Committee at least 1 (one) time a month, with the preparation of a Protocol. * Creating and providing a monthly report to the Customer on industrial relations:
- Salary Confirmation Report;
- KPI report;
- Daily SRA Report (Site Readiness Assessment)
- Daily POB Report (personnel on board)
-Weekly Canteen Forecast Report
* Participation in monthly audits of residential property management together with the Customer; * Participation in monthly Hygiene audits in canteens in shift camps together with the Customer; * Control over ensuring that all required documents are available for submission during the monthly audit of personnel documentation.
Июль 2018 — Декабрь 2018
6 месяцев
HR Coordinator
***Processing of requests of personnel recruitment; ***development of the system of substitution of positions and jobs. ***Organization of events on mobilization of workers. ***The organization and monitoring of process of input of again employed worker. ***Monitoring process of database maintenance, the containing personal information of workers. ***Organization and coordination of process of the recrew bus of shifts. ***The account and support of the organization of a response from inter rotational rest of workers for overtime works according to requirements of the labor legislation. ***General monitoring over operation and manual of other employees of human resources department. ***Holding of interviews with employed; ***a study of business and professional qualities of workers in case of selection, arrangement and planning of their activities and professional growth. ***Determination and the analysis a status of labor and professional discipline at the enterprise; an involvement in the events for solidifying of labor discipline and fixing of frames held by personnel subdividing of the enterprise. An involvement in planning of social development of collective. ***Prevention and settlement of Industrial relations disputes. ***Monitoring of Industrial relations in the company and in contractor companies working on construction sites. ***Notification (through alert memos) of the company's management on emerging conflicts and problem situations in the field of labor relations. ***Providing recommendations on and monitoring the process of incompliance elimination in the field of labor relations. ***Field visits to construction sites according to the schedule for interviews with employees to clarify their complaints, claims against the company and review proposals coming from employees.
Ноябрь 2015 — Апрель 2018
2 года 6 месяцев
Sicim SpA Kazakhstan
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
HR&IR Supervisor
***Processing of requests of personnel recruitment; ***development of the system of substitution of positions and jobs. ***Organization of events on mobilization of workers. ***The organization and monitoring of process of input of again employed worker. ***Monitoring process of database maintenance, the containing personal information of workers. ***Organization and coordination of process of the recrew bus of shifts. ***The account and support of the organization of a response from inter rotational rest of workers for overtime works according to requirements of the labor legislation. ***General monitoring over operation and manual of other employees of human resources department. ***Holding of interviews with employed; ***a study of business and professional qualities of workers in case of selection, arrangement and planning of their activities and professional growth. ***Determination and the analysis a status of labor and professional discipline at the enterprise; an involvement in the events for solidifying of labor discipline and fixing of frames held by personnel subdividing of the enterprise. An involvement in planning of social development of collective. ***Prevention and settlement of Industrial relations disputes. ***Monitoring of Industrial relations in the company and in contractor companies working on construction sites. ***Notification (through alert memos) of the company's management on emerging conflicts and problem situations in the field of labor relations. ***Providing recommendations on and monitoring the process of incompliance elimination in the field of labor relations. ***Field visits to construction sites according to the schedule for interviews with employees to clarify their complaints, claims against the company and review proposals coming from employees. ***Participation in and holding meetings dedicated to labor relations with working committees.
***Close cooperation and interaction with IR department of TCO, the TCO training center.
Декабрь 2014 — Декабрь 2016
2 года 1 месяц
"Caspian Proger Engineering and Consulting" LLP
Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще
Lead HR Specialist
ᴥ Preparation of the primary organizational and legal documentation.
ᴥ Personnel records, planning and implementation of recruitment.
ᴥ Overseeing the formulation of personnel records and conducting personal business card T-2, keeping work books.
ᴥ Preparation of documents for the main activity of the company, the HR, personnel. (regulations, orders, directions, travel, etc.).
Preparation and submission of documents to obtain Work Permit for foreign employee force in Kazakhstan.
Interaction with the military enlistment offices, labor department, management coordination of employment and social programs, the migration service, the visa office.
Июль 2008 — Январь 2014
5 лет 7 месяцев
Denholm Zholdas LLP
Промышленное оборудование, техника, станки и комплектующие... Показать еще
HR Inspector
• Personnel records, planning and recruiting in accordance with established procedures.
• Planning and coordination of employees’ training process.
• Organization of annual medical examination of employees.
• Control over personnel records and personal files, T-2 cards, labour books. Preparing of documents connect with Branch main activity (orders of appointment, dismissal, movement, trips, provision of leave).
• Maintaining of military records.
• Consulting of employees in matters of HR and Labour Law. Provision of references and characteristics of employees.
• Preparation and submission of documents to obtain Work Permit for foreign employee force in Kazakhstan.
• Interaction with the military enlistment offices, labor department, management coordination of employment and social programs, the migration service, the visa office.
• Work in Navision program (for HR).
• Formation of timesheet.
Март 1996 — Июль 2008
12 лет 5 месяцев
Fire Depurtment "Ort Sondirushi"
Услуги для бизнеса... Показать еще
Fire inspector
• Radio telephonist- Fire Station №10, Unit-3 object, - Secretary-referent – Fire Station №10, Unit-3 object
Inspector of Fire prevention group- Fire Station №31, KPC object (Maintaining of records management within own competence/Work in HR: orders of appointment, movement, dismissal, leave).
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
Профессиональные навыки: Имею большой, качественный опыт работы в введении кадрового делопроизводства с нуля. Грамотное использование в работе требований законодательных и нормативных актов, качественное и грамотное исполнение документов на казахском, русском и английском языках, согласно типовым правилам документирования в РК. Имею опыт работы в проведении аудитов по документам в структурных подразделениях, в подготовке и оформлении документов на получение лицензий. Разработка кадровой политики, должностных инструкций.
Личные качества: серьезность и творческий подход к работе, стремление к успеху и карьерному росту, желание к повышению профессиональных навыков, высокая работоспособность, умение работать с большими объемами информации.
Высшее образование
Юриспруденция, Бакалавр права
Знание языков
Тесты, экзамены
ТК в области индивидуальных трудовых споров
Учебный центр DAIVA
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения