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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than a week ago
Male, 31 year, born on 17 February 1994
Considers offers
Almaty, willing to relocate (Other regions), prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Frontend developer
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement
Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 5 years 2 months
May 2022 — currently
2 years 11 months
Almaty, www.epam.kz
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Software developer
As a FullStack developer create SPA.
Main stack: React + Node,
Store: RTK, OracleDB, AWS
February 2020 — currently
5 years 2 months
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс
Saint Petersburg
Developing SPA and landing page.
- Kanban board development for Tydex company.
The project helps to optimise the workflow of employees. Technologies used: React, Hooks, Firebase.
- Clothing shop for Gaston Mebel’. Testing project as one of the ways of development. Used: React, Redux, Saga, Firebase, styled-components
- Landing page for Leo Bublikov shop. Used: HTML, Less, JS
- Completed the test task for ForaSoft. Chat room with React, Hooks, Express, socket.io.
- Complete the test for YamuSoft. Converter of JSON format to tables. Used: Angular, TS
July 2021 — May 2022
11 months
Saint Petersburg, www.epam-group.ru
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Software engineer
Market SPA developing with Angular, RxJs, NgRX
SPA developing with React, Redux, Hooks and styled-components
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
Hi everyone, I am Frontend Developer having an experience of designing and building Web applications with JavaScript / Reactjs / Nodejs and some other cool libraries and frameworks.
My repo: https://github.com/KukushkinDmi1riy.
I did some freelance projects which you can see bellow.
My projects include:
-Designing websites, applications, services.
-Layout of sites, promo pages, linking scripts;
-Writing and debugging modular texts;
-Optimization and expansion of code functionality, etc.
My future plan is improving skills in React, starting deep learning in Node (exactly Nest js).
I would like to join your team and exchange experience, because it develop a new ability for all of us.
Thank you for your attention!
Higher education
Фотоника и оптоинформатика, Наноматериалы и нанотехнологии фотоники и оптоинформатики
Фотоника и оптоинформатика, Оптические технологии и материалы
Professional development, courses
itProger, Front-end разработка
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Russia
Permission to work: Russia
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter