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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online a week ago
Female, 33 years, born on 30 September 1991
Not looking for a job
Astana, willing to relocate, prepared for occasional business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
HR manager
200 000 ₸ in hand
- Human resources manager
Employment: full time, part time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule
Work experience 5 years 4 months
November 2019 — January 2023
3 years 3 months
HR manager
I was the first HR manager in the company. The responsibilities included:
- organising and conducting full cycle of HR administration (including HR audit);
- recruiting (full cycle);
- staff adaptation;
- participation in the development of KPI;
- organization of the enterprise during quarantine measures.
June 2019 — August 2019
3 months
LLP "Gazcenter"
Utilities... Show more
Менеджер по персоналу
- Full cycle of recruitment: admission and assistance in the preparation of applications for vacancies, placement of vacancies on Internet resources, the search of alternative ways to post vacancies (paper ads, advertising in social networks, on television, radio, cooperation with universities), search and screening of resumes, phone calls and initial screening by phone, interviewing);
- Adaptation of employees;
- Control over the availability and execution of the training plan for hired employees;
- Forming of job discriptions;
- Organization of corporate events;
- Mass selection of line staff;
- Accompanying the dismissal of employees;
- Work with existing employees;
- Creating and maintaining a positive and productive work environment.
April 2017 — June 2017
3 months
LLP "KazStandart Asia"
Astana, www.ksta.kz
FMCG (non-edible)... Show more
HR manager (recruiter)
- Admission and assistance in the preparation of applications for vacancies;
- Placement of vacancies on Internet resources for job search;
- Search for alternative ways of posting vacancies (paper ads, advertising on social networks, on television, radio, cooperation with universities);
- Search and screening of resumes;
- Calling candidates and primary screening by phone;
- Running interviews;
- Preparation of candidates` evaluation sheets;
- Primary adaptation of employees;
- Forming a vacancy profile;
- Control over the availability and execution of the training plan for hired employees;
- Formation of job descriptions;
- Participation in job fairs.
November 2016 — January 2017
3 months
OA NP "School" Center of Education Stolichnyi"
Educational Institutions... Show more
Secondary school phsycologist
-Maintenance of psychological comfort of all participants of the pedagogical process;
- Conducting educational activities with children;
- Individual diagnostics;
- Conversations and psychological counseling with families;
- Psychocorrectional classes;
- Elimination and prevention of conflict situations;
- Advice to teachers on request;
- Filing reports.
July 2015 — October 2016
1 year 4 months
SE on PVC of the Center of Primary Phycological Health Care of Astana Akimat
Government Organizations... Show more
Dispensary phsylogist
- Reception and consultation of patients;
- Diagnosis of mental processes;
- Writing conclusions;
- Filing reports;
- Assistance to psychiatrists on request;
- Assistance to patients in crisis situations;
Skill proficiency levels
About me
Purposeful, active young specialist. Poor work experience is compensated by high learning interest in new knowledge and the desire to acquire new experience in the field of HR. Why do I want to develop in the field of HR? Because I have always liked working with people, and I am good at it! Because this is a very interesting and diverse work - and I don’t like solely routine work. Because it gives me the opportunity for self-development - as HR, I communicate with a large number of people and have to know everything about everything. Because it is never boring and never easy - and the harder the work, the greater the pleasure of seeing the result is. If you are ready to consider the option of cooperation with a young specialist who wants to grow and develop with the company, then I ask you to consider my candidacy. Sincerely, Yaroslava Burmistrova.
Higher education
Phsyco social, Clinical Psychology
Professional development, courses
Детско-родительское консультирование
ИИСТ, психолог-консультант
Управление персоналом (HR)
UBS, Управление персоналом (HR)
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter