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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 40 years, born on 14 February 1985

Not looking for a job

Astana, willing to relocate (Almaty), prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Head of tax / Tax Manger/ Tax Accountant

  • Auditor
  • Accountant

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 18 years 7 months

July 2024currently
9 months

Astana, fonte.kz

Financial Sector... Show more

Tax manager
Tax management, consulting, accounting, compliance
January 2024currently
1 year 3 months

Astana, itsx.kz

Financial Sector... Show more

Director of the Tax Department
- Calculation and submission of the declaration on CIT, transfer pricing, reporting on monitoring transactions, taxation of controlled foreign companies (CFC), international taxation, non-residents, consideration of draft contracts. - Control and review of VAT and local tax calculations by subordinate managers; - Tax consulting, support, and application of tax compliance of subsidiaries participating in special economic zones and branches; - Consulting on the taxation of special economic zones; - Interaction with government agencies; - Implementation of measures to reduce tax risks, and application of tax optimization; - Compliance with FATCA, CRS rules.
July 2023July 2024
1 year 1 month

Astana, ktze.kz/

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Head of the Taxation Division
- Calculation and submission of the declaration on CIT, transfer pricing, reporting on monitoring transactions, taxation of controlled foreign companies (CFC), international taxation, non-residents, consideration of draft contracts. - Monthly submission of the calculation of deferred tax and CIT of JSC "KTZ Express" and its subsidiaries to the auditors of "BIG 4", the parent organization of JSC NC "KTZ"; - Control and review of VAT and local tax calculations by subordinate managers; - Tax consulting, support, and application of tax compliance of subsidiaries participating in special economic zones and branches; - Consulting on the taxation of special economic zones; - Interaction with government agencies; - Implementation of measures to reduce tax risks, and application of tax optimization.
August 2020July 2023
3 years
Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC)

Astana, www.aifc.kz

Financial Sector... Show more

Senior manager of the Tax Policy Department
- Development of draft laws and participation in their implementation; - Tax consulting and support of AIFC participants; - Calculation and submission of the declaration on CIT, transfer pricing, taxation of controlled foreign companies (CFC), international taxation, non-residents, and consideration of draft contracts. - Control and review of VAT and local tax calculations by subordinate managers; - Tax consulting, support, application of tax compliance of subsidiaries, and other AIFC bodies; - Implementation of measures to reduce tax risks, and application of tax optimization. - Analysis of the effectiveness of the application of tax benefits of AIFC participants; - Interaction with government agencies.
January 2022February 2023
1 year 2 months
ERG IT Companies in Astana Hub (Smart cities Company / Умные города (online part-time job while working at the AIFC)

Astana, astanahub.com/?locale=en

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Tax Manager/ Tax Consultant
- Online part-time job while working at the AIFC - Tax consulting and support of the ERG group of IT companies (BTS Digital LLP, AITU DALA LLP, etc.) of individual participants of the Astana Hub International Technopark; - Tax consulting and support of a group of participants; Consideration of draft international agreements with non-residents. - Analysis of the effectiveness of the application of tax benefits of Astana Hub participants; - Implementation of measures to reduce tax risks, and application of tax optimization. - Interaction with government agencies.
September 2018September 2020
2 years 1 month
Qazaq air

Astana, www.flyqazaq.com/en/

Transportation, Logistics, Warehousing, International Logistics... Show more

Tax and Statistical Senior Accountant
-Tax optimization and consulting; - Development of a new tax accounting policy;- - Agreement of agreements and contracts with foreign partners; - Calculation of all taxes, including the application of international taxation; - Calculation and presentation of the calculation of deferred taxes on CIT. - Submission of tax returns, statistical reports to the statistical bodies, the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and the depository of financial statements of the Ministry of Finance.
June 2017September 2018
1 year 4 months
Ministry of Finance of the RK

Astana, www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/minfin?lang=en

Government Organizations... Show more

Head of the Tax Legislation Department
- Development and implementation of draft laws on avoidance of double taxation; - Consideration and approval of draft laws on tax administration and tax policy in the Tax Code; - Preparation of materials (reports, slides) for the participation of the leadership of the Ministry of Finance in workshops for the business community, the Government, and the Parliament; - Consideration of taxpayers' proposals regarding the provision of tax benefits; - Making calculations of tax losses of the budget to the republican budget commission.
August 2015June 2017
1 year 11 months
Department of state revenue of Astana city

Astana, astana.kgd.gov.kz/ru

Government Organizations... Show more

Head of tax control Department
- Conducting tax control, analysis of taxpayers' activities; - Sending and processing notifications based on the results of desk control on CIT, VAT, international taxation, and transfer pricing.
April 2013August 2015
2 years 5 months
State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the RK

Astana, kgd.gov.kz/en

Government Organizations... Show more

Chief expert of the Audit Department
- Remote control of tax audits of territorial divisions of the Republic of Kazakhstan; - Work and implementation with draft laws on tax audits;
August 2012April 2013
9 months
Tax Department of Almaty city

Almaty, almaty.kgd.gov.kz/en

Government Organizations... Show more

Tax inspector of the Tax Audit Department
- Conducting tax audits; - Participation in tax dispute courts.
January 2010August 2012
2 years 8 months
Tax Committee for the Almaly district of Almaty city


Government Organizations... Show more

Tax inspector of the Tax Audit Department
- Conducting tax audits; - Participation in tax dispute courts.
September 2006January 2010
3 years 5 months
Tax Committee for the Turksib district of Almaty city


Government Organizations... Show more

Head of Legal Department, Tax Auditor
- Participation and protection of tax audit results in the courts; - Explanation of tax legislation; - Conducting tax audits.


Skill proficiency levels
Tax Audit
Tax Accounting
Tax Law
Tax Optimisation
Tax Planning

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B, C

About me

I have a diverse tax experience as a practicing tax auditor who conducted inspections, performed in-house adit control notifications of the tax bodies, a methodologist who is able to correctly interpret and amend tax legislation and a tax lawyer who participated in tax disputes.

Higher education

Chamber of tax consultants
The consultant of the first category
Tax academy of Malaysia
International taxation, Certificate of international taxation courses
The Auditors college of Kazakhstan
Financial and Tax Audit, Independent Auditor
Association of professional accountants
Finance, Professional Accountant
Kazakh national University, Almaty
Finance and economy, Expert in finance and finance law



EnglishC1 — Advanced

RussianC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter