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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 45 years, born on 19 August 1979

Not looking for a job

Almaty, not willing to relocate, prepared for occasional business trips

SAP consultant

  • Analyst

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 24 years 7 months

July 2021currently
3 years 9 months
JSC AK Altynalmas

Almaty, www.altynalmas.kz/

Metallurgy, Metalwork... Show more

Leading consultant for SAP S/4HANA Production Planning and Manufacturing, Managemental Accounting
Support and evoluation of SAP S/4HANA system including directions: Production Planning and Manufacturing Managemental Accounting Sourcing and Procurement Asset Management
November 2015June 2021
5 years 8 months
“iQSolutions” LLP


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Project manager/Expert
Client: “KazMunaiGaz – Refining and Marketing” JSC Position: Project manager Role: Project manager, SAP BI consultant, SAP PCM consultant Period: November, 2015 – February, 2017 Implementation and maintenance Responsibilities * Negotiations with the management of four companies involved in project (``KazMunaiGaz - Refining and Marketing'' JSC, ``Atyrau Refinery” LLP, ``KazMunaiGaz Onimderi'' LLP, ``Pavlodar Refinery'' LLP) * Customer's business-processes survey ; * Supervise the activity of implementation team ; * Development, checking and corrections of four blueprints * SAP BW customization and testing, BEx's reports development, Analisys report development * SAP PCM implementation, customization and testing (I made settings for PCM model, DataBridge); * I made complete comparative analysis between results of period-end closing for SAP ERP and SAP PCM; * Demonstration of complete solution to customer. "ANPZ" LLP Position: Expert Role: SAP BI consultant, SAP PCM consultant, SAP CO consultant Period: February, 2017 - till now BW/PCM/CO maintenance. Period-end closing in SAP PCM (data downloading from SAP ERP to SAP BW, uploading data from SAP BW to SAP PCM, calculating SAP PCM model and uploadign data from SAP PCM to SAP BW for resulting reports; making additional setting for SAP BW/PCM/CO) "RD KMG" JSC Position: Expert Role: SAP BI consultant, SAP PCM consultant, SAP CO consultant Period July, 2017 - December, 2017 We have implemented a scheme for yielding of gas and for calculating of gas price (Ozen Munai Gas) (new company code, cost centers, activities, process orders, material ledger, etc.). Period: May 2017 - till now CO/PP maintenance. Period-end closing in SAP CO/PP. "Chimfarm" JSC Position: Expert Role: Project manager Period: September, 2017 - October, 2017 We have developed a document (URS) with functional and technical requirements for implementation of SAP PM on the pharmaceutical plant in Shymkent. "KazMunaiGaz" National company Position: Expert Role: SAP CO/PP consultant Period: October, 2017 - December, 2017 I had participated in development of the document "High Level Desing (HLD)" for implementing SAP S/4 Hana. "Kazgermunai" JSC Position: Expert Role: SAP CO/PP consultant Period: November, 2017 - till now Implementation of the SAP ERP system SAP CO/ customizing: cost center accounting, internal order accounting, profit center accounting, profitability analysis, product cost accounting, material ledger;
October 2012November 2015
3 years 2 months

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Client: “Standard Cement” LLP Role: Team leader, SAP FI/CO consultant Period: October 2012 – June 2015 Implementation and maintenance Responsibilities * Negotiations with the management of the customer ; * Customer's company survey ; * Development of blueprint ; * Supervise the activity of implementation team ; * SAP CO customizing: cost center accounting, internal order accounting, activity based costing, profit center accounting, profitability analysis, product cost accounting, material ledger ; * SAP FI customizing: general ledger, cash journal, banks, bank's accounts, bank statement, customers and account payables ; * ABAP developments: reports, enhancements, user interfaces, batch input, etc. ; * Functional testing * Users training Was a bit of work with customization of SAP MM, SAP FI-AA, SAP basis Client: “Business Application Solutions” LLP Role: Team leader, SAP FI consultant, ABAP developer Period: June 2013 – May 2014 Implementation Responsibilities * Negotiations with the management of the customer ; * SAP FI: accrual method, customer dunning system, correspondence of accounts, recurring entries ; * ABAP developments: interfaces and reports for accrual method.
June 2006October 2012
6 years 5 months
“BI-Consulting” LLP
Client: “Atyrau Refinery” LLP Role: Team leader, SAP CO consultant, ABAP developer Period: October 2011 – August 2012 Implementation and maintenance Responsibilities * Negotiations with the management of the customer ; * Customer's company survey ; * Development of blueprint ; * Supervise the activity of implementation team ; * SAP CO customizing: cost center accounting, internal order accounting, activity based costing, profit center accounting, profitability analysis, product cost accounting ; * ABAP developments: reports, enhancements, user interfaces, batch input, etc. ; * Functional testing * Users training ; * Was a bit of work with customization of SAP MM, SAP FI, SAP FI-AA ; Client: “KazMunaiGaz Onimderi” LLP Role: Team leader, SAP FI/CO Consultant, ABAP developer Period: May 2011 – October 2012 Implementation and maintenance Responsibilities • Negotiations with the management of the customer • SAP CO customizing: profit center accounting • ABAP developments: reports, enhancements, user interfaces, batch input, etc. Client: “Chimfarm” JSC Position: Project manager Role: Team leader, SAP CO Consultant, ABAP developer Period: June 2008 – May 2011 Implementation and maintenance Responsibilities • Negotiations with the management of the customer • Customer’s company survey • Development of blueprint • SAP CO customizing: cost center accounting, internal order accounting, activity based costing, profit center accounting, profitability analysis, product cost accounting • ABAP developments: reports, enhancements, user interfaces, batch input, etc. • Functional testing • Users training Client: “Halyk Bank” JSC Position: 1-st category consultant Role: SAP BI Consultant, ABAP developer Period: June 2006 – February 2008 Maintenance Responsibilities • SAP BW: extractors, info-cubes, ods, info-objects, BEx-reporting, enhancements • SAP ABAP developments: reports, enhancements, user interfaces, batch input, etc. • Customer training • Designing and customizing of user roles and profiles
September 2002April 2006
3 years 8 months
“Key Century” LLP

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Senior Consultant
Clients: “Kazakhtelecom” JSC, “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” JSC, “Halyk Bank” JSC, “International Almaty Airport” JSC Role: BI consultant, ABAP developer Period: September 2002 – April 2006 Implementation and Maintenance Responsibilities • SAP BW: extractors, info-cubes, ods, info-objects, BEx-reporting, enhancements • SAP ABAP developments: reports, enhancements, user interfaces, batch input, etc. • Designing and customizing of user roles and profiles • Users training/maintenance
August 2000September 2002
2 years 2 months
“Kazakhtelecom” JSC

Telecommunications, Communications... Show more

SAP ABAP developer
Client: “Kazakhtelecom” JSC Position: IT-departament leading specialist Role: SAP ABAP developer Period: August 2000 – September 2002 Implementation and maintenance Responsibilities • SAP ABAP developments: reports, enhancements, user interfaces, batch input, etc. • Designing and customizing of user roles and profiles • Users maintenance


Skill proficiency levels
Обучение и развитие

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

SAP Consultant

Higher education

Almaty Institute of Power Engineering & Telecommunications, Almaty
Faculty of industrial electronics, engineer of industrial electronics



EnglishC1 — Advanced

JapaneseA1 — Basic

KazakhA1 — Basic

Professional development, courses

IOG 350
SAP Consult C.I.S., Almaty
BW 370
SAP Consult C.I.S., Москва
BW 310
SAP Consult C.I.S., Москва
BW 305
SAP Consult C.I.S., Москва
HR 350
SAP Consult C.I.S., Москва

Tests, examinations

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Production Planning and Manufacturing (1909)
SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA for Management Accounting Associates (SAP S/4HANA 2021)
SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Sourcing and Procurement
"ABAP Workbench С_ABAP46" with my SAP.com, Certification 2000
"Microsoft Certified Professional", version 2000

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter