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Male, 47 years, born on 20 February 1978

Not looking for a job

Bishkek, willing to relocate (Kazakhstan, Russia), prepared for business trips

CIO, IT Director

  • Chief information officer (CIO)
  • Development team leader

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, remote working

Work experience 27 years

November 2019currently
5 years 5 months
Namba Group


Architecture, design, planning, ecosystem support: NambaPay - payment system NambaOne - super-app NambaMarket - grocery delivery (dark-store) NambaFood - food delivery NambaProfi - a platform for self-employed NambaWay - taxi service NambaTrade - b2b order platform KAMP Money - aggregator of payment services and payment instruments (VISA / MC / Elcard / MIR)
September 2018August 2019
1 year
JSC "FinanceCreditBank"

Kyrgyzstan, www.fkb.kg

Financial Sector... Show more

General Management Department Restructuring Strategic planning for the development of Bank IS Project management Upgrading server and network infrastructure Migration to a new ABS
October 2015August 2018
2 years 11 months
CJSC Interbank processing center

Bishkek, www.ipc.kg

Financial Sector... Show more

Risk manager
Establishment of a risk management system Supervision of IT and IS Author, designer of the national payment system for receiving regular payments Elcart.Mobile
September 2014February 2015
6 months
National information technlogies

Astana, www.nitec.kz/

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Head of Business Process Automation
Automation of the internal activities of the Company
February 2012March 2014
2 years 2 months
JSC «Tsesnabank»

Astana, www.tsb.kz/

Financial Sector... Show more

Deputy Chief Information Security Officer
Development of normative documents in the field of information security Information Security Audit Security analysis of IT systems Automate processes for monitoring and preventing confidential information leaks Participation in projects 2012-2014 - Development of SIEM 2012-2014 - Endpoint protection 2012-2014 - Development of internet-banking 2012-2014 - Anti-Fraud 2012-2014 - PCI DSS certification 2013-2014 - Corporate network security 2013-2014 - Automated Depository 2013-2014 - Alignment of the Payment Systems, Treasury, FCB to regulatory requirements 2013-2014 - User activity monioring 2013-2014 - RDBMS security 2013-2014 - PKI and ACS 2014-2014 - Data leakage protection
July 2010July 2012
2 years 1 month
CJSC Interbanking processing center

Financial Sector... Show more

Member of the Board of Directors
Strategic planning of the company
February 2011August 2011
7 months


Financial Sector... Show more

Chief information officer (CIO)
General Management Strategic planing Business processes optimizing Preparation of young professionals Participation in projects: 2011 - IT-infrastructure monitoring 2001 - ABS optimization 2011 - AML 2011 - PCI DSS certificatio 2011 - Internet-banking 2011 - Payment kiosks 2011 - Queue system
November 2010February 2011
4 months


Financial Sector... Show more

Information security officer
The establishment of a Bank information security Development of normative documents in the field of information security Information Security Audit Security analysis of IT systems
March 2007November 2010
3 years 9 months
JSC "AsiaUniversalBank"

Financial Sector... Show more

Head of IT department
Subordinate employees: 45 (12 in the regional directorates), 8 divisions General Management Strategic planning Business processes optomization Department restructurization (allocation system functions, network administrators, logisticians, systems analysts, technical support to individual departments) Preparaton of young professional Partisipation in projects: 2010 participation in the project of implementation ABS Temenos T24 2008 - 2009 participation in the project to merge of JSC "AUB" and JSC "Kyrgyzpromstroibank" 2008 Participation in the project "Production and service of plastic cards" (project manager) 2007 participation in the project "Master Payments" (project manager) 2007 participation in the project for the implementation of information security management system ISO 27001:2005 and further certification (as part of the project team)
May 2006February 2007
10 months
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Financial Sector... Show more

Head of Information Systems division
Subordinate employees: 18, 3 direcions Business processes optimizatio Restructuring Department Allocation of functions to support PC service support department Preparation of young professionals
May 2003April 2006
3 years
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Financial Sector... Show more

Head of Software development division
Subordinate employees: 12 Business processes optimization Implementaton of a version control system software Implementation of the source code quality control Prepration of young professionals Development, design and maintenance of automated systems for the National Bank Participation in projects: 2006 - 2007 Work on the project RTGS as technical coordinator of the State program for the modernization of the payment system of the Kyrgyz Republic 2005-2007 Разработка официально сайта НБКР (руководитель проекта) 2005-2007 Development of official web-site of NBKR (project manager) 2004 - 2005 Development AS "Financial Monitoring" to account for the loan by the World Bank (in a workgroup) 2000 - 2001 Development of RTGS 1999 - 2001 GL modernization 1998 - 1999 Interbank loan market
March 2001April 2003
2 years 2 months
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Financial Sector... Show more

Senior specialist of Software development division
Development, design and maintenance of automated systems
February 1997November 2002
5 years 10 months
Creative Association "AEroplan"

Media, Marketing, Advertising, PR, Design, Production... Show more

Software developer, system administrator
Subordinate employees: 3 Development of multimedia CDs, databases, client-server System administration 2000 - 2001. Development of the project "Database voters of the Kyrgyz Republic" 1999 - 2000 Development of multimedia CD “Bishkek-2000” 1998 -1999 Development and implementation of "Automated system of accounting and control circulation of goods in the territory of "Free economic zone - Bishkek "
August 1998February 2001
2 years 7 months
National Bank of the Kyrgyz Republic

Financial Sector... Show more

Specialist of Software development division
Development, design and maintenance of automated systems


Skill proficiency levels
Project management
Oracle Pl/SQL
MS Project
Object Pascal/Delphi
AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler
База данных: Oracle
Team management
Information Security
Risk management
Bank Software

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category A, B

Higher education

Kyrgyz Technical University
Computer Science and Engineering, Computers, complexes, systems and networks



EnglishC1 — Advanced

Professional development, courses

ISO 20000-1:2005. IT Service Management System Internal Auditor
IT-Expert, Certificate
Implementing ISO 20000-1:2005 IT Service Management System
IT-Expert, Certificate
Introduction to ISO 20000-1:2005. IT Service Management Systems
IT-Expert, Certificate
BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Management System. Internal Auditor
BSI, Certificate
Implementing a BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Management System
BSI, Certificate
Introduction to BS ISO/IEC 27001:2005 Information Security Management System
BSI, Certificate
Technology of Project Management with MS Office Project 2007: The basic aspects of management
Interface, Certificate
Methodology and practice of project management based on standard ANSI PMBOK Third Edition solutions and MS Enterprise Project Management
Interface, Certificate
Seminar: Information technologies
Doichebundesbank, Certificate
Automation IT-infrastructure management
Cebit, Ukrain
Organization negotiations and negotiation skills
Bank Training Center, Certificate
Organization of calculation with plastic cards
Bank Training Center, Certificate
Psychology of management
Bank Training Center, Certificate
Information-telecommunication system of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation
CBRF, Certificate

Tests, examinations

JICA, Certificate
Delphi programmer
Brainbench, Certificate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kyrgyzstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter