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Female, 32 years, born on 13 May 1992

Actively searching for a job

Uralsk, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

HSE/Environmental/PTW/QA/QC, Commissioning, DCC, Packaging, Workface planning

500 000  in hand

  • Other
  • Technologist

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 10 years 7 months

July 2024currently
9 months
CIS-Kashagan LLP


CIS-Kashagan LLP - Contractor HSE / Training coordinator.
CHESM coordinator duties: • HSE contractor management system according to the CHESM TCO process • Conducting HSE audit, inspections. Entering an incident database and documents • Maintaining a database of SSE – Short Services employees, WRP assessment. • CHESM monthly reporting • Participation in HSE meetings • Developing and updating procedures/instructions • Maintaining a database and analytical Excel reports Training Coordinator duties: • Coordinating the ROK training process and weekly/monthly reporting • Conducting an introductory HSE briefing
November 2022July 2024
1 year 9 months
LLP Senimdi Kurylys Bechtel &Enka joint company. Project 3GP FGP


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

QA/QC Commissioning Support Group - Field engineering. Packaging engineering
LLP Senimdi Kurylys (Bechtel Enka joint venture)- Punch list Coordinator. Commissioning Support Group, QC/QA. FE. Packaging engineering. 3GP Tengiz Project. FGP 3GP. OPS. January 2023. • Field Engineering: Participated in on-site inspections for hole punch closures • Packaging Engineering: Assisted engineers in preparing work package documentation for all discipline drawings: (P&ID, PFD, E&I, Mechanical, Civil, Structural). • Prepared FMR for Submitted Material Request and checked the status of material delivery process to site • Reviewed and prepared documentation for the hole punch closure process. • Coordinated high priority PL closures. • Prepared progress reports for line management. • NPW Non-Progressing Work: Coordinated DCN and RFI (Red Line) closure coordination • Participated in contractor daily progress meetings. (PSSR, RFSU, RFO) • Prepared reports for TCO closure team and delivery team on hole punch list status • Quality Control Responsibilities: Coordinated the turnaround system by subsystems. • Worked with ICT (Certificate of Responsibility for Construction to Commissioning and MC Certification) Completion Team. • Submitted notification for verification and reporting. QVD verification. Updated revision if required. Transfer to DCC and then to MC plus. • Prepared and uploaded welding reports to NEWS clearance and contractor log. • Worked with SCMT (System Completion Management Tool). FGP 3GP systems, Completion Certification Portal, MC 3GP Dossier Management System. Core Worx, FED, Eb, Halliburton Portal, MC plus
October 2020November 2022
2 years 2 months
LLP Senimdi Kurylys Bechtel &Enka joint company. Project 3GP FGP


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

HSE Department-PTW Coordinator. CHESM. HSE Coordinator.
• Managed and coordinated all PTW documentation and registration processes. • Created contractor PTW LOTO isolation logbook • Prepared and registered PTW database. Excel, Power BI dashboard and updated the data of all reports. Prepared a report for PTW HSE management and the client. • Trained and mentored new PTW specialists. • Coordinated SIMOPS with other companies and various work teams. • Provided advice and support on issues related to HSE. • Maintained the PTW training database. Participated in WRP assessment. • Prepared and reviewed PPHA (Planning Phase Hazard Analysis) and PTW related documentation. • Coordinated with CHESM process, prepared documents for IIR (Incident Investigation Report), and develop risk mitigation measures. Participation in Field verifications. • Participated and conducted PTW and HA (Hazard Analysis). Compliance Audit conducted by FGP TCO client requirements. • Conducted weekly HSE PTW inspection. Reviewed all PTW documents Lifting plans, Excavation plans etc., daily revalidation, special permits, gas test results, electrical safety documents, LOTO.
August 2019October 2020
1 year 3 months
LLP Senimdi Kurylys Bechtel &Enka joint company. Project 3GP FGP


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

HSE department - PBS (People Based Safety)
• Developed PBS procedure programs and work in accordance with the requirements. • Organized and planned training. Maintained a PBS training database and reporting. • The best PBS&IIF employee is selected in accordance with the recommendations of the construction management. • Conducted training and mentoring in accordance with PBS&IIF • Conducted field practices after training for observers. Preparation of safety briefing materials. • Maintained a database in the Power BI system in accordance with the requirements of Bechtel. • Prepared a weekly report on completed checklists and an analysis of repeat safety violations. • Organized weekly walkthroughs and meetings with leaders and management. • Discussed measures to reduce hazardous conditions during a meeting with leaders (observers), construction and health and safety management. • Prepared meeting agendas and informed management. • Prepared and maintained a PBS observation database and provided reports to HSE management.
November 2017August 2019
1 year 10 months
LLP Senimdi Kurylys Bechtel&Enka joint company. FGP Control and Power. Core Substation


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

HSE department - ELC coordinator
LLP Senimdi Kurylys (Bechtel & Enka) - HSE Department – ELC (Environmental Labor community) coordinator. FGP Control and Power – Core Substation project. 3GI, Gathering. November 2017–August 2019. • Coordinated compliance with ELC TCO FGP requirements. • Developed ELC TCO required project specific procedures. • Maintained ELC (FAT) Field Action Tracker database and coordinated timely action closure points. • Conducted daily and weekly checks and recorded observations in ELC FAT. • Prepared documents for FGP ELC CHESM Assurance audit with company management. Conducted internal audit by FGP ELC Assurance requirements. • Organized and coordinated for compliance with chemical, paint, fuel, oil storage area, waste disposal and other ELC aspects. • Reported on the state equipment and prevention of excess emissions in accordance with the project limits. • Coordinated and followed ELC requirements in subcontracting companies and conducting quarterly audits. Advised construction management on ELC issues. Conducted an investigation into an IIR incident. • Maintained ELC training database. Preparation training materials Conducting ELC training, spill response training, and field practice.
February 2017November 2017
10 months
LLP Tengiz Stroyservice. FGP Construction Compound. Warehouse Area


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

HSE department - ELC inspector combination position with PTW coordinator, IIF coordinator
TengizStroyService LLP Company - ELC inspector. FGP Tengiz field. March 2017 – November 2017 • Coordinated and compliance according to TCO FGP ELC requirements. • Field ELC requirements. Reporting and recording documentation. ELC CHESM assurance audit. IIF Coordinator Combining with the main position • Conducted training IIF in action, active work with TCO IIF specialists, reporting. Field practice. • Organized and scheduled training according to the program. Reporting to TCO FGP IIF.
March 2015December 2016
1 year 10 months
State institution "Department of Housing and Communal Services, Passenger Transport and Highways of Burlinsky District of West Kazakhstan Region"

Aksay (Kazakhstan)

Document Administrator - Experience in government agencies and practice
• Worked with documentation of the reception, registration. • Prepared meeting agenda. Prepared and approval of orders. • Coordinated work with other government agencies. Participation in meetings and reporting to management. Training and support of new specialists. • Advised about government programs for affordable housing, the receipt of documents from the Public Service Center, preparation of contracts, preparation for archive, reports. • Maintaining a database of E-akimat, Lotus, e-gov.
September 2014January 2015
5 months
Ministry of Emergency Situations Water Rescue Service Atyrau Region


Document assistant
• Assisted the chief accountant, preparing and processing documents in the archive, translating documents from Russian into Kazakh and editing documents.
June 2012July 2012
2 months
Joint-Stock Company "Aksaigazservice"

Aksay (Kazakhstan)

Ecologist assistant
• Participated in preparation of quarterly MPE (maximum permissible emissions) reports, waste classification, inspection of industrial facilities on KOGCF, maintenance of documentation, underwent toolbox talk. • Assisted in monitoring the compliance of structural divisions with current legislation, guidelines, standards and regulations on environmental protection. • Additional information: Experienced working in a chemical laboratory at a university.


Skill proficiency levels

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

About me

Learnability, Responsibility, punctuality, exactitude. A great desire to work in a team with a desire to develop and work collectively.


Higher education



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

TurkishA2 — Elementary

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter