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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online yesterday at 09:08
Male, 35 years, born on 21 June 1989
Considers offers
Almaty, not willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
BackEnd Developer C# asp.net (fullStack)
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time, part time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, remote working
Work experience 15 years
October 2022 — currently
2 years 6 months
LLP Tengizchevroil
Senior .Net Developer
• Design and development of an ERP system from scratch (C# Asp.Net Core 6.0 web api, EntityFrameWork)
• Database design
• Clean architecture (SOLID, Dependency Injection, Mediatr, DDD)
March 2018 — November 2022
4 years 9 months
National Center for Research of Anti-Infectious Drugs
WEB developer (fullStack)
The first project as a FullStack. Starting with designing DB, BackEnd and Front in JavaScript. Developed alone (C# Asp.Net MVC).
• Development of a clinical research management system from scratch;
• Base design. PostgreSQL DBMS;
• BackEnd (C# Asp.Net MVC 5, EntityFrameWork;
• FrontEnd (lots of JavaScript, JQuery/Ajax code).
• Flexible use of PartialView for reuse of templates (Individual Registration Forms) in subsequent clinical trials;
March 2018 — March 2019
1 year 1 month
LLP "Solly"
Almaty, www.solly.kz
Team Leed, Head of IT Department (BackEnd developer)
First job as a WEB developer.
• BackEnd development of StartUp projects from scratch;
• Project architecture design, database (PostgreSQL)
• Maintenance and elimination of errors, adding new functions (search algorithms, working with maps (yandex/2gis), authorization through social networks (vk, fb, google);
• Integration of payment systems PayBOX, QiWi, Kassa24, SMS mailings.
• Project: www.slivki.kz - analogue of www.chocolife.me (C# ASP.net MVC/WEB Api/Core, EntityFrameWork, JavaScript/JQuery/Ajax).
• Development team management. Mostly they hired students from KazNTU. Projects: www.ok24.kz, www.verni.kz
• Negotiating with contractors
April 2015 — February 2018
2 years 11 months
Halyk Bank of Kazakhstan JSC
Almaty, www.halykbank.kz
Financial Sector... Show more
Senior Developer, Department of Transaction Systems Development
Started with report development, automated the generation of more than five thousand reports for all branches of the Bank. A very cool project that I led and I’m still proud of it.
• Development in ASIS Colvir, Oracle 11 (pl\sql) 3 years.
• Development/Finalization of it applications in accordance with the Bank's business processes. Debugging/error analysis.
• Participated in the bank's IT projects.
• Here is the first experience of development in C# in the Visual Studio 2015 environment. Mainly integration with the database and development of methods and WEB services (REST, SOAP/XML).
September 2013 — August 2015
2 years
KazNU named after al-Farabi
Educational Institutions... Show more
Teacher of the Department of Informatics
After completing the Master's degree.
Taught in the following disciplines:
• Computer science.
• Algorithms and data structures.
• Robotics (Lego).
February 2013 — August 2013
7 months
Department of Information Technologies of KazNTU named after K.I.Satpayev
Almaty, www.kazntu.kz
Government Organizations... Show more
Specialist of the highest qualification level
My 3rd job while studying for a Master's degree.
• Local network administration (Wi-Fi, installation and setup of the network from scratch).
• Helpdesk. Reinstallation, recovery.
September 2012 — December 2012
4 months
St. Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Almaty, www.ifmo.ru
Educational Institutions... Show more
Passage of training under the USHOS program, KazNU. al-Farabi
Training in the direction of computer technology and management.
August 2012 — August 2012
1 month
Technische Universität Berlin
Internship under the Master's program of the KazNU. al-Farabi
Passing of training courses in the framework of the Master's program in KazNU al-Farabi.
March 2012 — July 2012
5 months
National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Almaty, www.nlrk.kz
Government Organizations... Show more
IT department engineer
2nd job while studying for a Master's degree, worked for 7 months before leaving for Summer School (Germany). Then in September I had to go to St. Petersburg for the 1st semester of the Master’s program;
• Network administration (installation and installation, troubleshooting).
• HelpDesk.
March 2010 — February 2012
2 years
LLP "Best card"
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
System Administrator
My 1st job in my specialty, in the 4th year of a bachelor's degree. A Korean company that has implemented a payment validator in public Buses;
• HelpDesk.
• LAN, configuration and installation of VPN (Cisco ASA).
• Administration of MiniPBX (Panasonic KX-TDA 200).
• Providing reports from Oracle 10g (SQL).
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Driver's license category B
About me
• I like to develop StartUp projects from scratch, delve into business processes, design a database taking into account the requirements.
• Ability to identify customer needs. I appreciate the complexity of tasks well.
• I can calculate and design software architecture;
• I understand why you need to adhere to the principles of SOLID, DI and write loosely coupled code.
• I mainly use the stack: C# Asp.Net Core/MVC (6.0, 7.0)
• In integration with the Base, I got used to the ORM EntityFrameWork.
• Experience with Oracle DBMS, MS SQL, PostgreSQL;
• I can program in: Java, Python, C++
• Well versed in code optimization, Algorithm and data structure. In debugging and bug tracking. I understand how the code works under the hood;
• Good at programming Front tasks in JavaScript, JQuery, Ajax;
• Experience in an Agile/Scrum team (Jira, Azure);
• Experience with version control systems (Git, Azure DevOps);
• From scratch I build IIS, Nginx on Windows and Linux servers, respectively (SysAdmin experience)
• Good level of analytical thinking. Purposeful. Sociable, I can work in a team. 7 years of teaching experience makes itself felt :-)
• Marital status: married, three children.
• Hobbies: I love reading and collecting books
• Without bad habbits.
Higher education (master)
KazNU named after al-Farabi
Mechanics and mathematics, Master, "Computer Science and Software"
KazNTU named after K.I. Satpayev
Institute of Information Technology, Bachelor, "Computer Science and Software"
Professional development, courses
Teacher KazMU and MI named after Abylai Khan, English courses.
Tests, examinations
Embassy of Great Britain, Test of English
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter