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Female, 48 years, born on 23 April 1976

Not looking for a job

Almaty, metro station Moscow, not willing to relocate, prepared for occasional business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Finance director

1 200 000  in hand

  • Financial manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule

Work experience 28 years 1 month

January 2020currently
5 years 3 months
Chint Kz LLP

Almaty, www.chintglobal.com

Power Industry... Show more

Finance Director
creation of the company's accounting policy, company regulations, instructions, presentations, control over expenses, accounts receivable and fulfillment of obligations by clients, verification of contracts, writing improvements in the 1C program, work with IT specialist, interaction with government agencies, control over the execution and deadline of outsourcing companies (personnel, accounting and tax accounting), monthly reports to the head office (cash flows, balance sheet, profit and loss statement), bank journal, budget, forecast, checking for accounting and tax accounting, correct calculation and transfer of taxes on time.
April 2019currently
6 years
Vf services Kazakhstan LLP

Almaty, Www.vfsglobal.com

Chief accountant
Calculation salary, vacation, sick leave and taxes all related salary, WHT, CIT, import of goods, VAT for non-residents, making payments, CIty bank ( online),bank statments, prepation and dynamite reports to Head office (cash way, p&l, balance sheet),cash report, preparation invoice to the Clients, Esf, work in 1C 8.3,LMS programm, writing and speaking with management in English
September 2010September 2018
8 years 1 month
Sodexo Kazakhstan LLP
Chief accountant
Bookkeeping at catering Service Company using of International accounting standards; Reporting monthly, annual report to Heard office, weekly debtors and cash reports, Checked all procedure in accounts department (advance report, receivable and payable invoices, control materials in stork on the sites, cash, bank, tax, statictic reports, internal and and etc.). Reconciliation with Intercompanies. Annualy work with auditors (external, internal), tax audit (2006-2012 y.)
March 2008June 2010
2 years 4 months
Moody International LLC/ Atyrau branch Moody International limited (UK)
Chief accountant
Undertake bookkeeping at international company in accordance with Kazakhstan Tax legislation. Reporting tax and other kinds of reports state authorities, forecasting, budget and etc. Correspondence with the head office concerning collection and processing information necessary about taxation (in English), monthly reporting. Reconciliation with intercompany, Input incoming information Checked all procedure in accounts department (advances report, income and outgoing invoices,tax.report ,salaries, cash, bank, ex,rates). Had experience with tax audit (checking period 2004-2006 ).Using tax program EFNO, ISID, NDS, SONO. Restore tax accounts and bookkeeping. Making annual, quarter tax reports. Annual audit with Grata, KMPG, control timely payments of taxes, assist and review all tax reports (VAT, Income taxes, social taxes, social and pension funds and etc), control timely submitted all tax reports.
July 2006October 2007
1 year 4 months
ECW Logistics Kazakhstan Company
Chief accountant
Undertake bookkeeping at logistics company in accordance with Kazakhstan Tax legislation. Reporting tax and other kinds of reports state authorities. Correspondence with the head office concerning collection and processing information necessary about taxation (in English). Input incoming information Checked all procedure in accounts department (advances report, income and outgoing invoices, salaries, control materials in store, cash, bank).
January 2004July 2006
2 years 7 months
PFD International Company
Billing Group-Accountant
Undertake bookkeeping at International company with using of international accounting standards; advances billing to Client and monthly closing of issued advance billings, check of correctness AP invoices, assigned to Project Foreign Employees Social Income estimated taxes billing on monthly basis, assigned to Project Foreign Employees Social Income actual taxes billing on monthly basis, assigned to Project Foreign Employees various bonuses billing inc. Mob, Demob bonuses, calculation bonuses, checking employee's expense reports.
November 2002December 2003
1 year 2 months
The Branch Thermon Europe GmbH
Chief Accountant
Undertake bookkeeping at non-resident legal entity in accordance with Kazakhstan Tax legislation. Reporting tax and other kinds of reports state authorities. Correspondence with the head office concerning collection and processing information necessary about taxation (in English). Input incoming information VAT forms and customs duty (merchandise imports). Cash reporting. Office Net ABN AMRO bank program user.
April 2002November 2002
8 months
Atyrau Business Development Center (Institution Oblast Center "Business -Contact"
Chief accountant
Undertake bookkeeping in the non -commercial organization. Preparation of tax and statistics reports and Cash reporting. "Internet-Bank" electronic program user.
January 1999January 2002
3 years 1 month
"Àsako-Products" LTD
Undertake bookkeeping in the commercial organization. Salary calculation. Control of Invoices, bills. Cash reports and etc.
January 1996January 1999
3 years 1 month
Tax Committee in Atyrau city
Tax Inspector
Calculation of property tax and land tax from the individuals. Inspection together with Tax police, Traffic Police, Customs. Collection of taxes through Court. Use special tax program.


Skill proficiency levels
MS Excel, MS Office, 1S, CODA-Financials, HE Program Training HE Programm in Dubai Review Forecasti

About me

Ex-gratis bonus in appreciation for the work done in tiding up the Atyrau accounts and the good work during 2008. (04.2009) Sterling Performance Award (11.2004) Sterling Performance Award (04.2005) Appreciation Award (06.2005) Appreciation Award (08.2005)

Higher education

Eurasian Institute of Market
Economics and Management, economist- manager
Astana Financial-Economic College
Taxes and Taxation, finance by taxes



EnglishB2 — Upper Intermediate

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Professional development, courses

Olivet English School in Brighton
English course

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter