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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 36 years, born on 18 November 1988

Not looking for a job

Uralsk, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Electromechanical technician, electrician, diesel generator operator

500 000  in hand

  • Other

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, rotation based work

Work experience 13 years 11 months

December 2018currently
6 years 4 months
LLP "Velesstroy"

Atyrau, www.velesstroy.com

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Diesel power plant operator of category 7
Diesel power plant workflow monitoring and maintenance of CATERPILLAR brand plants of 80 kVA to 1100 kVA. Such brands as TEKSAN, VIZA, AKSA, WILSON, PERKINS, etc. as well. Monitoring loads, temperature, coolant level (oil and antifreeze), general condition of the unit before start-up and scheduled technical inspections (timely replacement of coolants, fuel filters, air filters, oil filters, etc.). Weekly, monthly submission of reports on 3GI Diesel power plants.
May 2015December 2018
3 years 8 months

Uralsk, intercom.kz

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Foreman electrician
The company is engaged in maintenance of telecommunication networks (Kcell Contractor). Officially registered as an electrician (but acted as a foreman), fixed electrical problems and supervised the generator workers, had 12 subordinates. Maintenance of electrical systems: ensuring technically sound work, maintaining in good condition, maintenance, timely repairs, trouble-free and reliable operation of the serviced electrical installations and electrical equipment. elimination of problems with air duct. Compliance with the basic requirements for labor protection, safety measures (including fire safety requirements). Installation of portable diesel and gasoline generators of the company. Diagnostics, repair of stationary generators. Control and ordering of spare parts for electrical installations and diesel generator units. Emergency recovery work at Kcell JSC facilities. Kcell JSC in WKO has about 280 units. Work at height, I have a work permit up to 10,000 volts. Repair and start-up of stationary and portable generators. Checking the correctness of the operating mode, heating of the units, as well as the serviceability of the fire extinguishing equipment. Maintenance and repair of stationary and portable generators of Perkins (P0. P1. P2) and FG Wilson (F0. F1. F2). Maintaining the necessary documentation.
November 2013December 2014
1 year 2 months
Marasant LLP Uralsk

Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Electrical technician
Reception and delivery of a shift, performance of planned scheduled repairs, maintenance of devices, engines of various types, generators, checking the condition of insulation with a megohmmeter of electrical equipment, measuring electrical parameters with an electric meter. Elimination of simple damages in engines. Partial disassembly and cleaning of individual units equipment. Maintenance of power and lighting installations, Maintenance of technical documentation for the work done. Adjustment of circuits and elimination of malfunctions in electrical equipment protection devices. Prompt identification and elimination of malfunctions, malfunctions and damages electrical equipment with simple and complex switching schemes, I set up and check switches of electric drives of various types after repair, as well as their maintenance. Perform operational switching in electrical installations of 0.4 kV. Revealing and elimination of failures and malfunctions of electrical equipment. Second specialty - operator of DGU (THERE WAS A TEMPORARY PROJECT).
October 2008July 2011
2 years 10 months


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Electrician for the repair and maintenance of industrial equipment, Duty electrician of the 5th category
KASHAGAN. Ground complex UKPNI. (according to the project Karabatan). Laying and crossing of electrical appliances and cables. Installation, transfer of sockets, switches. Preventive maintenance of electrical equipment in accordance with the preventive maintenance schedule. Identifying the causes of wear, taking measures to prevent and eliminate them. Diagnostics and repair of the electrical part of the crane girders. Replacement and connection of asynchronous, synchronous motors, their repair. Repair and maintenance of electric heat guns for 220 and 380 volts. Identification of the causes of failures and accidents during the operation of electrical installations and electrical equipment, measures are taken to prevent and eliminate them. Compliance with the established rules of the internal order and the mode of its operation.


Skill proficiency levels
MS Office
Ведение переговоров
Управление персоналом
MS Outlook

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B, C

About me

I have certificates of additional special education: LLP "System of the training center" Engineering. Perkins (P0.P1.P2) FG (F0, F1, F2) - Repair and maintenance of generators. LLP "AlemProm" - Operator for the repair of diesel generators of the 5th category. I am responsible, I know my job very well, I am a fast learner. I have no bad habits.

Secondary special education

West Kazakhstan Engineering and Humanities University, Uralsk
Power supply system, power engineer
industrial'nyy kolledzh WKO
TECHNICAL, an electrician, equipment repair electrician



EnglishA2 — Elementary

RussianC1 — Advanced

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter