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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online more than two weeks ago
Male, 34 years, born on 29 October 1990
Almaty, metro station Raiymbek Batyr, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
Ruby on Rails & React developer
2 500 $ in hand
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 9 years 9 months
March 2019 — currently
6 years 1 month
Sapa Software LLP
Full-stack Developer
Maintaining and realized backend and frontend parts. Writing API for mobile app, and external services.
Building new business features, making new backend architecture and helping team understand business problems and how to solve them. Wrote API for 5 external services integration. Code refactoring and improvements, deployment, TDD. Code review and task management.
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, RSpec, React.js.
April 2017 — March 2019
2 years
Almaty, flysms.co/
Ruby on Rails developer
Maintaining and realized backend and frontend parts. Adding expanded admin dashboards functionality. Progressive monolith project upgrade from Rails 4.2 to 5.1. Splitting project into several microservices. Led a full cycle of integration with partners pages for AirAsia and Aeroflot.
Building new business features, making new backend architecture and helping team understand business problems and understand how to solve them. Code review and task management.
Within this period mastered the following technologies:
Ruby, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, React.js, Elastic Search, Kibana, DevOps, AWS, PostgreSQL, MySQL, Minitest, RSpec.
January 2016 — April 2017
1 year 4 months
IBec Systems
Web developer (Laravel, PHP)
Maintaining backend and frontend of clients websites. Created several medium projects with Laravel framework. Development, managing and maintaining for remote Canadian project.
Within this period mastered the following technologies: PHP, Laravel, Vue.js, Javascript, HTML/CSS.
January 2013 — June 2013
6 months
Корпорация Сайман
Инженер-программист по микроконтроллерам
Development electricity meter on base of Texas Instruments microcontrollers.
Leveraged knowledge: MSP430 architecture, programmed in C++, debugged using an Oscilloscope, Multimeter, JTAG debugging interface.
Skill proficiency levels
About me
I am a Full-Stack developer with industry experience building websites and web applications. I specialize in Ruby on Rails and JavaScript and have professional experience working with React.js.
I have knowledge and background in front-end and back-end web development, optimization, deployment. I have experience managing a software development team, establishing code review process, continuous integration, development workflow process and working remotely.
My favorite technologies are:
Languages: Ruby, Javascript;
Frameworks: Rails, React;
Databases: PostgreSQL, MySQL;
Higher education (master)
Теплоэнергетический, Автоматизация и управление
Professional development, courses
Build Responsive Real World Websites with HTML5 and CSS3
Udemy, Web-programming
The Complete JavaScript Course: Build a Real-World Project
Udemy, web development
Professional Rails Code Along
Udemy, Web-programming
Full time web development bootcamp
TheFireHose Project, Web-programming
Intensive Speaking (Advanced)
Tamos Education, English
Tests, examinations
British Council, Английский язык
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter