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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 43 years, born on 20 November 1981

Not looking for a job

Almaty, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Reservoir Engineer

  • Other

Employment: full time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, remote working

Work experience 18 years 2 months

February 2021currently
4 years 2 months
International Center of Field Analyses and Development


1-st level reservoir engineer
• Dynamic modeling by using "Petrel", "Eclipse", "FluidModeler" softwares: coal seam dynamic model construction based on the results of petrophysical interpretation and geological modeling; fluid model construction; rock physics modeling; history maching by using sensitivity and uncertainty analysis; recoverable methane volume calculation; CBM development optimization; • ArcelorMital Temirtau mines' CBM reserves calculation reports preparation for the State Committee for Reserves of the Republic of Kazakhstan; • Took second place for presentation on topic "Modeling coal bed methane deposits using the example of the Karaganda coal basin" at the "Schlumberger Digital Technologies 2021: Sharing Success" event; • Publication a paper at the international conference "2021 SPE RUSSIAN PETROLEUM TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE" on the topic "Dynamic Modeling the Gas Discharge of a Mine in the Karaganda Coal Basin Under High Uncertainty Using a Multiple Realization Approach".
August 2019February 2021
1 year 7 months
International Center of Field Analyses and Development


Senior Geophysical engineer
• Led a team of 5-10 engineers for the implementation of the innovative project "Scientific and technical support of design work on static and dynamic modeling and calculation of coal bed methane reserves in the mines of the Karaganda basin of "Arcelor Mittal Temirtau" JSC".; • Well logs digitization by using GeoSolver software and petrophysical interpretation by using "Techlog" software: well logs rescaling and normalization based on core data; coal seams and their structure (lithotypes) determination; ash content calculation; proximate analysis; coal bed methane content determination; • Geological modeling by using Petrel software: faults, inclinometry and maps digitization; well correlation; fault, structural and geological modelling; property (clivage, lithology) distribution; coal and coal bed methane volumes calculation; uncertainty and sensitivity analysis.
April 2019May 2019
2 months
“Alstrontelecom” LLP


Geologist of the modelling department
• Database maintenance; • Work with 3D models of oil and gas fields.
January 2008December 2015
8 years

Aksay (Kazakhstan), www.weatherford.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

Logging geologist
• Drill cuttings examination, by using a range of chemical tests, including tests for fossils of petrographic thin sections; • Geological interpretation of drilled formations; • Drilling data interpretation and analysis; • Create mud logs using a WellWizard graphical software; • Core recovery; • Work in Pressurized Mad Cap Drilling mode.
October 2007March 2008
6 months
Amangeldy Gas

Taraz, www.amangeldygas.kz

Oil and Gas... Show more

Production foreman
• Managed a team of production operators to deliver daily gas and condensate production targets; • Production optimization by analysis of well testing data • Control of hydrate formation by performing thermal calculations of well flow lines and the use of methanol; • Inflow stimulation by hydraulic fracturing; • Obtained a Diploma for the significant contribution to the gas production.
October 2004October 2007
3 years 1 month
Amangeldy Gas

Taraz, www.amangeldygas.kz

Gas Processing Complex operator
• Working as an Acting Process Engineer of the GPC (Gas processing center), I had to manage a team of operators for control of gas processing and condensate stabilization by monitoring of the GPC sensors readings and laboratory tests results, and managing GPC equipment.; • Control of all auxiliary units, such as a diethylenglycol regeneration, therminol system, flare system, gas metering station, fuel station etc.; • Preparation of GPC pipelines documentation
January 2004October 2004
10 months
Amangeldy Gas

Taraz, www.amangeldygas.kz

Gas production and gathering operator
• Monitoring and control of the operating mode of production wells; • Well equipment maintenance; • Methanol injection.
November 2003January 2004
3 months
Amangeldy Gas

Taraz, www.amangeldygas.kz

Repairman of Equipment
• Maintenance of gas process equipment; • Performed the duties of a water treatment operator, gas condensate operator.
September 2002October 2002
2 months

Pavlodar, www.kaztransoil.kz

Oil and Gas... Show more

Assistant of pumping station operator
• Assistance to the operator of the pumping station in monitoring parameters of the main pipeline and oil pumping station, as well as in pigging.


Skill proficiency levels
Introduction to Enhanced Oil Recovery Course, COREX (UK) LIMITED May 2017
Oil & Gas Field Development Planning: An Introduction, MTB Subsurface Consulting May 2017
Petrel Geology License 39813-116131-191849, Schlumberger March 2017
Petrel Reservoir Engineering License 39922-116131-192389, Schlumberger March 2017
AutoCad, Aksioma uspeha 2014
Successfully completed training in Closed Hole Circulation Drilling, Signa Engineering 2013
Diploma for the significant contribution to the production, Amangeldy Gas 2007
Diploma for the third place in Republican Math Olympiad, 1998
MS Word
MS Excel
MS PowerPoint
How to find the right journal for your next paper (Wiley & Sons, June 2021)
Interpretation of seismic data, estimation of reserves and geological modeling in Geoplat software
Petrel Geology (NExT Schlumberger, March 202, 68952-192276-293681)
Petrel Reservoir Engineering (Next Schlumberger, February 2021, 269367-298808-M)
Health and Safety (Almat Company, November 2020, 0089)
Analytical thinking
Collection, analysis and systematization of data

Driving experience

Own car

Driver's license category B

About me

Certified Reservoir Engineer with about 15 years of total work experience. Practical knowledge in geophysics, drilling (mud logging), HC production, treatment and transportation, as well as, petrophysical interpretation, static and dynamic modeling, CBM (coal bed methane) fields. PhD student in Oil-Gas and Ore Geophysics at Satbayev University. MSc in reservoir engineering of University of Aberdeen (UK). Alumnus of Bolashak programme, graduate of RSPMBSH after O.A.Zhautykov. Experienced user of Petrel, Eclipse, Techlog, tNavigator, AutoCAD, CorelDRAW, Wellwizard, Excel, Word, PPT software. Professional working proficiency in Kazakh, English and Russian languages.

Higher education (PhD)

Satbayev University
K. Turysov Institute of Geology, Oil and Mining, Oil-Gas and Ore Geophysics
University of Aberdeen
School of Geoscience, Reservoir Engineering
Kazakh National Technical University named after K.I.Satpaev
Institute of the Oil and Gas, Design, Construction and Exploitation of Oil and Gas Pipelines and Storages
Republican, Specialized Physics and Mathematics Boarding School named after O.A.Zhautykov



Tests, examinations

InterPress, IELTS

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter