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Actively searching for a job
Almaty, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Tearching phys & math, R & D, engineering
350 000 ₸ in hand
- Teacher, educator
Employment: full time, part time, project work, work placement
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work
Work experience 40 years 2 months
September 2006 — currently
18 years 7 months
Schools & training centers of Almaty
teacher of phys-math in Russ, Kaz & English languages.
Teaching advanced courses of phys & math in Kaz high schools.
August 2009 — September 2015
6 years 2 months
Experimental & Theoretical Phys & Eng:
- Material Science. Conducting of Lab & Field tests. Math modeling.
August 2008 — August 2009
1 year 1 month
Researcher of SGS Amsterdam Lab (Netherlands):
Investigation of the process of crystallization and other related problems of experimental & theretical phys-math, such as evaluating the ‘diffusivity’ & ‘heat conductivity’ coefficients etc.
June 2006 — July 2008
2 years 2 months
Mat-Science. Lab & Field tests. Phys-Math modeling.
July 2003 — January 2006
2 years 7 months
Project Engineer/Coordinator
Duties on this project included verification of materials including type and quantities, organization of the vendors materials and drawing systems, expediting of drawing
submittals, control of materials issued to sub-vendors, control of drawings issued to sub-vendors. Correlation of data between the prime contractor and major suppliers and
auditing of the suppliers material control system and reported on status to the office in Camberely, England.
May 1995 — April 2003
8 years
NKK Japan
Researcher, NKK
Served as in country Project Representative for NKK Corporation on the following projects;
• The Coke Oven Gas Treatment Plant (COG)
A Supply Contract between K-MEIT & NKK Corporation.
• Kenkyak-Atyrau Oil Pipe Line. A pipeline project designed to transport oil from
Kenkyak to Atyrau.
• Gas Turbine Generator supply project
• Equipment/construction machinery supply.
January 1992 — January 1994
2 years 1 month
Kazakhstan Atomic Energy Agency
Chief Specialist
Nuclear Reactor Safety & SSAC Division. Responsibilities in this position required that I make Detailed procedures for SSAC Recording and Reporting Systems.
Prepared the Design Information Questionnaire (DIQ) for Kazakhstan’s nuclear research reactors and SSAC recording and reporting systems (state & facility levels).
Procedures were to the IAEA for review and comments.
Actively took part in negotiations with IAEA on DIQ, SSAC &
Recording & Reporting Systems.
Partly as a result of this work Kazakhstan became the 113 member of IAEA in 1993.
January 1989 — January 1992
3 years 1 month
Kazakh State University
Lecturer - Kazakhstan State University & teacher in Almaty schools:
• Investigation of radiation of some liquids at the
temperature of liquid nitrogen.
• Experimental investigation of heat & mass transfer
coefficients in the model of nuclear reactor's active
zone (core) with spherical fuels.
• Experimental investigation of shock waves.
• Published 10 scientific articles since 1983
January 1984 — January 1989
5 years 1 month
Kaz Institute of Energy
Institute of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Performed Investigation of wind pressure on cooling tower
shells. (Full scale and model experiments)
May 1983 — January 1984
9 months
Institute of Nuclear Physics
Performed studies on reactor plasma. Experiments were conducted
by placing mixtures of chemical elements containing uranium hexafluoride (UF6) in ampoules in the core of nuclear reactor/critical assembly. The objective was to define
numerical relationship for determining the optimal concentration of mixtures at which a maximum laser beam can be reached.
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category CAbout me
Additional information: Courses of physics in English & Russian/Kazakh languages (based on western & ex-soviet educational books) have been prepared.
Higher education
Moscow Engineering Physical Institute (MEPHI), Moscow
Thermal Physics of Power Plants & Facilties, Nuclear Reactors, Applied Physics & Engineering
Professional development, courses
Safety for Operational Supervisors SCC
NIBHV (Netherlands), Dutch Institute for In-house Emergency Response, Rotterdam, SOS-SCC (Safety for Operational Supervisors SCC)
USA Dept. of Energy & IAEA
SSAC of Nuclear Materials, Control of Nuclear Materials
Tests, examinations
Non Destructive Assey Methods
Control Lab of The Kazakhstan's Gas Accosiation, NDA of weld seams
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter