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Industrial Relations Supervisor
1. Correct and up-to-date execution of the minutes of the Company's meetings in the area of labor relations and human resources management;
2. supervises the work of the labor relations specialists of the IR process development team located at the rotational camps;
3. assist in the development, implementation, amendments and additions to the Methodological Instructions governing the activities and work of the IR Process Development Team as directed/agreed upon by direct supervisors;
4. Supervise the submission of reports by the IR Process Development Team staff to their direct supervisors in due time:
(a) on employee referrals;
(b) by registered incidents;
c) based on the results of the visits to the production facilities;
5. Maintaining correspondence and negotiations with the heads of subdivisions on the received appeals of employees, Customer's letters;
6. Controlling the immediate notification of higher management of the identified violations by employees of the established mode of work and labor discipline, accidents, serious illnesses of employees, conflict situations, planned disruptions in production, strikes, etc;
7. To work with subdivisions on revealed inconsistencies and violations of Rules, procedures, regulations and other acts approved in the Company in accordance with the Methodological Instruction regulating the activities and work of the IR Process Development Group;
8. Carry out rounds of production facilities. visit as an observer the service facilities of the Company, as well as supervise the order of performance of these duties by specialists on labor relations.
9. Participate in making decisions on hiring, transferring, disciplining, firing employees and resolving labor disputes and conflicts, together with the heads of the Company's departments.
10. Control the issuance to employees of their copies of personnel documents (orders. employment contracts and additional agreements thereto, job descriptions, work record books, notices, certificates and other) and other acts of the Employer within 3 (three) working days from the date of their approval.
11. to supervise the training "Brief Overview of Company Regulations, Rules, Procedures" and other trainings for employees working on a rotational basis, by specialists in labor relations:
(a) conducting training sessions for newly hired employees;
b) compliance with the approved training schedule;
c) analysis of the correctness of the information provided;
e) relevance of answers to the questions asked;
f) collecting signatures of employees that they have attended the training.
12. carry out proper and timely execution, preparation and submission of reports on individual projects (Future Cgoes and other projects) in accordance with and within the terms set forth in the contract (agreement) between the Company and external organizations in accordance with the provisions of the applicable labor law.