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Мужчина, 39 лет, родился 27 июня 1985

Активно ищет работу

Алматы, готов к переезду (Казахстан), готов к командировкам

HR specialist

  • Менеджер по персоналу

Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа, волонтерство

График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график

Опыт работы 18 лет 1 месяц

Январь 2024Октябрь 2024
10 месяцев
ТОО "ККТС" (Kentech)

Атырау, kentplc.com

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

HR IR coordinator
1. Consultations and clarifications on document processing: -Familiarizing, explaining, and signing personnel documents with project employees. 2. Monitoring the rotation/mobilization process of project employees to/from Tengiz. 3. Consultations and clarifications on the processing of all personnel documents. 4. Consultations and clarifications on the processing of internal rules and procedures. 5. Support in processing employee terminations: -Checking for any outstanding payments and material assets from terminated employees (travel expenses, etc.). -Completing documents in the prescribed format upon employee termination. 6. Monitoring labor discipline of project employees: -Ensuring compliance with the rules of internal labor regulations. -Developing measures to strengthen labor discipline, eliminate work time losses, and monitoring the implementation and adherence to labor legislation norms. 7. Participation in weekly meetings.
Март 2022Январь 2024
1 год 11 месяцев
ТОО "ККТС" (Kentech)

Атырау, www.kentplc.com

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

IR representative
1. Be proactive in studying the general situation, working atmosphere, and the state of industrial relations in the assigned area to prevent: − any possibility of a conflict or emergency situation; − complaints/problems from employees 2. to establish good business communication with employees and the Client
Февраль 2021Февраль 2022
1 год 1 месяц

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Human Resources Manager. Project Manager (Part-time)
1. HR Manager Personnel record-keeping (recruitment, transfers, terminations). Recruitment and selection of staff. Formation of the company's organizational structure and staffing schedule. Preparation of job descriptions for all levels and categories of employees. Preparation of vacation schedules and work schedules. Maintenance of summarized timekeeping records. Preparation of HR reports. 2. Project Manager (part-time) Processing and forwarding production orders. Managing executive documentation and material requests for projects. Conducting technical supervision of construction and installation works. Verifying compliance of the scope of construction and installation work, as well as structures, with approved project and cost documentation and working drawings. Developing work schedules. Organizing and controlling the work process. Analyzing and controlling completed work. Preparing work completion certificates (Forms F2, F3). Preparing tender documentation. Executing direct instructions from management.
Ноябрь 2019Февраль 2021
1 год 4 месяца


Услуги для населения... Показать еще

Industrial Relations Supervisor
1. Correct and up-to-date execution of the minutes of the Company's meetings in the area of labor relations and human resources management; 2. supervises the work of the labor relations specialists of the IR process development team located at the rotational camps; 3. assist in the development, implementation, amendments and additions to the Methodological Instructions governing the activities and work of the IR Process Development Team as directed/agreed upon by direct supervisors; 4. Supervise the submission of reports by the IR Process Development Team staff to their direct supervisors in due time: (a) on employee referrals; (b) by registered incidents; c) based on the results of the visits to the production facilities; 5. Maintaining correspondence and negotiations with the heads of subdivisions on the received appeals of employees, Customer's letters; 6. Controlling the immediate notification of higher management of the identified violations by employees of the established mode of work and labor discipline, accidents, serious illnesses of employees, conflict situations, planned disruptions in production, strikes, etc; 7. To work with subdivisions on revealed inconsistencies and violations of Rules, procedures, regulations and other acts approved in the Company in accordance with the Methodological Instruction regulating the activities and work of the IR Process Development Group; 8. Carry out rounds of production facilities. visit as an observer the service facilities of the Company, as well as supervise the order of performance of these duties by specialists on labor relations. 9. Participate in making decisions on hiring, transferring, disciplining, firing employees and resolving labor disputes and conflicts, together with the heads of the Company's departments. 10. Control the issuance to employees of their copies of personnel documents (orders. employment contracts and additional agreements thereto, job descriptions, work record books, notices, certificates and other) and other acts of the Employer within 3 (three) working days from the date of their approval. 11. to supervise the training "Brief Overview of Company Regulations, Rules, Procedures" and other trainings for employees working on a rotational basis, by specialists in labor relations: (a) conducting training sessions for newly hired employees; b) compliance with the approved training schedule; c) analysis of the correctness of the information provided; e) relevance of answers to the questions asked; f) collecting signatures of employees that they have attended the training. 12. carry out proper and timely execution, preparation and submission of reports on individual projects (Future Cgoes and other projects) in accordance with and within the terms set forth in the contract (agreement) between the Company and external organizations in accordance with the provisions of the applicable labor law.
Март 2019Февраль 2021
2 года

Казахстан, cocrealty.kz

Услуги для населения... Показать еще

IR Specialist:
1. Collect, issue, sign the enployees' documents within the terms established by the legislation 2. Report potential labor conflicts, civil unrest, or unauthorized rallies to management; 3. Execute the decisions on the matters related to the industrial relations on the assigned site; 4. Participate, together with the heads of structural units in the settlement of individual and collective labor disputes, to participate in internal investigations; 5. Cooperate with the contractors/customers' representatives on industrial relations; 6. Collect the information on the issues of industrial relations, as well as ensure timely response to the information received; 7. Record and timely inform the management of incoming appeals of employees, monitor the status of appeals, ensure that the employees' appeals are timely handled, keep relevant statistics; 8. Show attention and willingness to accept and listen to any of the employees involved in the assigned area, regardless of his position, place of work, nationality, religion and gender. Regularly conduct interviews with employees to obtain information about the state of industrial relations at the assigned site, with a minimum separation of workers from the production process; 9. Participate in regular meetings with authorized representatives of employees (working Committee), prepare (receive) minutes of meetings of the Working Committee, immediately inform the Immediate supervisor and the authorized Manager on the spot, on the progress and results of meetings of the Working Committee; 10. Participate in audits of industrial relations, when such are organized by authorized persons; 11. To carry out interaction (including consulting, etc.) with other officials or structural divisions of the company. To offer the most optimal solutions taking into account the minimum risks for the industrial relations on the assigned site; 12. Regularly provide a report on the extended work to the Immediate supervisor. In case of emergency, on matters of industrial relations, immediately inform the Manager of industrial relations and the authorized Manager on the spot about the problem
Сентябрь 2014Май 2018
3 года 9 месяцев

Алматы, www.teksan.kz

HR manager
1. The Company manpower - 200 employees 2. HR records keeping starting from scratch; 3. Implement 1C-8 ZUP database; 4. Cooperate with the RoK branches (consulting on HR issues) 5. The HR policies developed and implemented in the holding company: • Personnel Recruiting and Hiring; • Onboarding and Mentoring; • Personnel Training and Development.Manage projects; 6. Make arrangements for time keeping, preparing and following vacation schedules, control over the workplace discipline in departments and ensuring that the Internal Code of Conduct is followed by the employees; 7. Analyze and reveal the reasons for the personnel turnover. Develop the measures to decrease the personnel turnover. 8. Arrange the activities associated with the Company HR records keeping (preparing orders, filing incoming/outgoing correspondence) 9. Research the manpower market; develop direct contacts with the state authorities dealing with the local employment, educational establishments, recruitment agencies; inform the employees of the vacant positions available; use the mass media (www.hh.kz) for posting recruitment advertisements. 10. In cooperation with managers take decisions regarding the hiring, transfer, promotion, demotion, imposition of administrative penalties as well as personnel termination.
Сентябрь 2011Июнь 2014
2 года 10 месяцев
Suleiman Demirel University

Алматы, sdu.edu.kz/

Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

Deputy HR Manager
1. Keeping HR records; 2. Hunting and recruiting personnel (document support, interviewing); 3. Researching job market and staff turn-over; 4. Keeping time sheets; 5. Generating training plans, leave schedules; 6. Working in KADRY software program (entering new employees, resignation/dismissal, transfers – related information, staffing schedules, time sheets etc. into the data base) 7. Work with state bodies and auditing companies 8. Moreover, I fulfill duties of the HR Manager
Июнь 2010Сентябрь 2011
1 год 4 месяца
Suleiman Demirel University

Алматы, sdu.edu.kz/

Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

HR Specialist
1. Prepare HR documents in compliance with RoK Regulation for hiring and dismissal of personnel; 2. Work with documents - completion of timesheets and reports, etc.; 3. Work with state bodies and auditing companies.
Сентябрь 2005Сентябрь 2009
4 года 1 месяц
Kazakh-Turkish High School


Образовательные учреждения... Показать еще

Form Tutor
1. Management of pastoral care activities for pupils, assistance in studies; 2. Delivering daily lectures for pupils; 3. Planning and running pupils recreational activities.
Июль 2005Октябрь 2005
4 месяца
MunaiGasKurylys JSC

Атырау, www.mgk.kz

Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Safety Officer
1. Ensuring compliance with safety requirements on construction sites, holding safety meetings, workplaces inspection, works coordination, drafting reports, investigations, fire fighting equipment inventory and regular inspection. 2. Control of availability, operability and correct use of work clothes, safety boots, and required personal protective equipment. 3. Prevention and diminishing potential of work place injuries by means of regular workplace inspections, company personnel training, conducting orientations, identification of site specific health and safety objectives and targets, risks assessment, measures to ensure compliance with requirements of company policies and standard operating procedures, as well as international standards ISO14001 and OHSAS18001. 4. Rendering first aid to a person injured in any type of work accident. 5. Discussion of necessary corrective action with management, drafting reports.
Июль 2004Октябрь 2004
4 месяца


Строительство, недвижимость, эксплуатация, проектирование... Показать еще

Permit Coordinator
1. Coordination and supervision of safety specialists. 2. Obtaining work permits for all types of works and performing internal checks before obtaining a work permit. 3. Control of personal protective equipment availability in stock, good condition and correct use of work clothes, safety boots and other PPE.


Уровни владения навыками

Опыт вождения

Имеется собственный автомобиль

Права категории B, C

Обо мне

-driving license of В and C category; -Computing skills: 1C, Kadry, AutoCAD, MS Word, Excel, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, Paragraf, Macromedia Flash; grade - advanced user. -Logging experience


Высшее образование

Sultan Demirel University
Atyrau Oil & Gas Institute
Oil Department, Geophysical Methods of Reconnaissance and Exploration

Знание языков


АнглийскийB1 — Средний

КазахскийC2 — В совершенстве

РусскийC2 — В совершенстве

ТурецкийC2 — В совершенстве

Повышение квалификации, курсы

APEC/KASIPKOR training center
Association personal scholarship certificate holder
IIF Course
Safety Instructions for Work Permits: General Work Permit, Excavation Work Permit, Hot Work Permit, Confined Space Work Permit, Breathing Air Permit;
Safety Task Analysis

Гражданство, время в пути до работы

Гражданство: Казахстан

Разрешение на работу: Казахстан

Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения