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Женщина, 32 года, родилась 1 августа 1992
Не ищет работу
Караганда, готова к переезду (Беларусь, Грузия, Казахстан, Кыргызстан, Россия, Украина), готова к командировкам
Переводчик с английского языка
450 000 ₸ на руки
- Администратор
- Переводчик
- Руководитель проектов
- Секретарь, помощник руководителя, ассистент
- Специалист по кадрам
Занятость: полная занятость, частичная занятость, проектная работа
График работы: полный день, сменный график, гибкий график, удаленная работа, вахтовый метод
Опыт работы 9 лет 8 месяцев
Июнь 2019 — по настоящее время
5 лет 10 месяцев
Добывающая отрасль... Показать еще
Senior Administrative assistant-translator, Training and Development Department
-Managing a team of 4 subordinates in the Translation section of the Training and Development department, including translators and training administrator. Was promoted to the senior (coordinator) position in March 2021.
-Translation of various types of documentation for the T&D needs (training programs, reference manuals, presentations, etc.) associated with different fields of knowledge (HSE, Mining, Welding and Fabrication, Mechanics, Training and Development of personnel, Soft skills, etc.)
-Interpretation at department’s internal and external meetings, training sessions (ENG-RU and RU-ENG, translation for the expats attending the training as well as for the students of the trainings conducted by expat trainers), official events (internal and external, including business trips).
-Administrative functions, such as: assistance to the manager (organizing meetings, keeping the manager's schedule), HR administration of the department employees, document flow control (working in HR Portal, Oracle and Directum.RX), assisting in planning of the department’s training and administration budget (keeping control of the purchase requests and interaction with buyers and suppliers), organizing business trips for the department's personnel, requesting and issuing PPE, managing requests to supply the plant administration and production buildings with furniture, daily and weekly meals, stationary and etc.
-Assisting in the Training planning and scheduling processes, support of the training coordinators of each section within the department (HSE, Concentrator, Mining, Soft Skills).
Ноябрь 2016 — Декабрь 2020
4 года 2 месяца
Индивидуальное предпринимательство / частная практика / фриланс
Freelance translator
-Working with different customers including translation buros, companies and private orders
-Experience in various knowledge areas such as technical, medicine, legal, industrial, fashion, educational, etc.
-Working with foreign customers (USA, Canada)
Июнь 2017 — Май 2019
2 года
Казахстан, www.kazminerals.com/ru
Добывающая отрасль... Показать еще
Administrative assistant-translator, Data clerk, Oxide plant Maintenance section
-Administrative functions, such as: document flow control (working in Oracle and Directum programs), requesting and issuing PPE for the plant's personnel, managing requests to supply the plant administration and production buildings with furniture, daily and weekly meals, stationary, etc.
-Data Processing duties, such as collecting, scanning and checking the daily work orders of the plant's maintenance team, as well as adding data into each order's profile in the Oracle system. Storage and recordkeeping of the critically important documentation indicating the plant equipment operation and maintenance data.
-Translation assistance to the plant's maintenance Superintendent such as interpreting meetings and conversations, written translations of letters and documentation. Was promoted to the Admin-Translator position in April 2018, which widely broadened the translation duties including written and verbal translations (meetings, conversations, training interpretation, translations of various types of documentation).
-Planning, scheduling and keeping control of the plant maintenance personnel training compliance.
Ноябрь 2016 — Март 2017
5 месяцев
ТОО "TimEmit"
Медицина, фармацевтика, аптеки... Показать еще
Office manager, administrative assistant-translator
-Assisting the manager by planning and managing her schedule.
-Interaction with the Company’s potential clients and suppliers (in English). Translation of letters, commercial offers and other documents.
-Administrating the pages in social networks (Facebook, VK, Instagram)
Май 2015 — Июль 2016
1 год 3 месяца
Гостиница Ар Нуво
Караганда, www.arnuvo.kz/
Гостиницы, рестораны, общепит, кейтеринг... Показать еще
Working with guests requests and issues, booking rooms, distributing reservations, working with cash register/payment terminals, distributing housekeeping work, handling paperwork/accounts/invoices and other hotel administration duties
Уровни владения навыками
Обо мне
Личные качества: внимательность, аккуратность, неконфликтность, высокая обучаемость, стрессоустойчивость
Интересы: литература (художественная и научно-популярная), музыка, кинематограф, иностранные языки.
•Хобби: бег, плавание, рисование, путешествия.
Высшее образование
Биолого-географический, Биология
Исторический, Международные отношения
Знание языков
Повышение квалификации, курсы
Учись учить
M - Training International
Verbal and Consecutive Translation (Technical)
High School of Business and Management
Planning and Budgeting I: Budgeting Technology
EY Academy of Business
English - Russian conference interpreting course by Andrey Falaleyev (module 1)
Eurasia Connection
Устный и последовательный перевод
Школа переводчиков "ЛингваКонтакт"
Редактирование технического перевода
Школа переводчиков "ЛингваКонтакт"
Расширенный курс по Microsoft Excel
Академия Бизнес Образования
Тесты, экзамены
British Counsil Kazakhstan, Английский язык (7.0)
Гражданство, время в пути до работы
Гражданство: Казахстан
Разрешение на работу: Казахстан
Желательное время в пути до работы: Не имеет значения