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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 36 years, born on 2 December 1988

Not looking for a job

Uralsk, willing to relocate (Bahrain, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Qatar, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, UAE, Oman, Russia), prepared for business trips

Economist, Financer, Treasurer, Accountant, Manager, Executive documentation specialist

1 500 $ in hand

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working, rotation based work

Work experience 14 years

April 2016currently
9 years
Republican state institution “Syrym regional treasury department of Western Kazakhstan oblast department of treasury of Ministry of finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan"

Uralsk, www.kazyna.gov.kz

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Chief treasurer
• Formation of the Budget Profit and Expenses Project according to the unified budget classification of the RoK. • Programmed examination of submitted papers correctness, processing of financial papers via electronic work flow in the information system “Treasury client” within 6 working hours. • Loading financial plans into the integrated treasury system. • Adjusting entries, amendments of local budget in the integrated treasury system. • Creation, entry and input of journals of the budget and appropriation of budget package as per financial plan for acceptance by local regional budget. • Monthly monitoring of fulfillment of financial plans of local budget programmes. • Control of targeted use of budget funds. • Programmed control of applications on registration of civil legal transactions of state agencies according to individual financial obligation plans. • Formation of notification of contract registration and addendum to registered contracts at the amount of more than 5 million tenge. • Cancellation and termination of notification in case of alterations. • Check of entered invoices for payments: social fees, wages payments and other fees as per specified format. • Check of magnetic carriers for the corresponding accounts payable with total amounts of the appropriate lists of recipients ,submitted on magnetic carriers established by KZ centre of interbank payments and check of SWIFT files in the format MT 102 via programmed products in the automated system “Payment receipts in banks”. • Programmed control of accounts payable for overpay of accounts payable of amounts of individual financing as per the appropriate budget programmed plan (sub-programme). • Blocking and cancellation of erroneous accounts payable including blocking of appropriate codes of budget classifications of expenses found out on examination, control and approval of payments received at “Treasury client”. • Entries and approval of invoices payable of state agencies, payment orders of non state institutions. • Revision of control cash accounts, daily reconciliation of turnover and balances in the context of funding sources. • Cash recovery. • Check of expenses as per specific economic classification. • Preparation of information about money paid to the budget, accepted in cash from authorized persons via banks of second level as tax payments and other mandatory budget payments. • Formation, drawing up, check and filing of documents.
January 2015April 2016
1 year 4 months
State municipal utility agency “Syrym Regional Veterinarian agency of Syrym regional akimat" with the right of business activity

Uralsk, www.syrym-bko.gov.kz

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• Budgeting according to plan and fact, monthly follow up. • Drawing up of astaffing table, staff schedule. • Drawing up of a cash flow and payments, calendar for a month. • Drawing up of financial plan of the company. • Drawing up of a limit of expenses of fuel and lubricants on motor transport. • Preparation and submission of a tax form. • Preparation and submission of statistical accounts (on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis). • Preparation of financial, economic and statistical reports to submit to the authorized agencies or top local authorities. • Budgeting and control of budget execution. • Control of cash flow, analysis of actual expenses. • Control over the rational use of cash on wages. • Item by item analysis of company’s business activity. • Realization of electronic state purchases of goods, services as a “Customer”, “ Organizer” and “Supplier” by way of open competition , auction, requests of quotations via electronic purchases from a single source on unfulfilled purchases by way of conclusion of contract and purchase of a dwelling. • Preparation of contractual obligations, calculation work on contracts. • Negotiations with customers. • Collection of quotations. • Registration of basic documents.
April 2011December 2014
3 years 9 months
State institution “Syrymskiy regional department of employment and social programmes"

Uralsk, www.syrym-bko.gov.kz

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Chief accountant assistant
• Drawing up individual financial plan of obligations. • Drawing up a financial individual plans of payments. • Formation of statements on registration of liabilities. • Formation of invoices register payable to treasury departmen. • Formation of a register of accounts payable. • Follow up and control of cash papers for correctness of records and formation of appropriate documents of transactions. • Registration of accounts payable and accounts receivable. • Drawing up reconciliation acts with JSC Kazpost. • Calculation and payment business trip expenses. • Preparation and submission of tax forms. • Preparation and submission of statistical accounts on a monthly, quarterly and annual basis. • Stock taking. • Conclusion of contracts with suppliers of goods, works, and services. • To carry out electronic state purchases of (goods, services) as a “Customer” and “Organizer” by way of electronic competition, auction, quotations requests by way of electronic purchases via open commodity market, from a single source and without applying the rules of law. • Setting address social money support. • Setting state child allowances. • Social and economic development report.


Skill proficiency levels
MS PowerPoint
Adobe Acrobat
MS Outlook

Driving experience

Driver's license category B, C

About me

Experienced computer user. Oracle, Internet portal of state agencies, Information integrated treasury system, Integrated system “ Treasury client”, Programmed product “Parus Kaz Budget”, Tax report processing system, Integrated tax information system, Information system of electronic invoices, International Standards of financial accounts, 1C Accounts version 8.2, Automated system “Acceptance of bank allocations”, "Bank client" JSC "Narodniy Bank of Kazakhstan", Setup MT-102 JSC "Narodniy Bank of Kazakhstan", Colvir_RS JSC "Narodniy Bank of Kazakhstan ", Management system of business processes JSC "Narodniy Bank of Kazakhstan", Salary Check MT JSC "Каzcommertsbank", Salary JSC "КаzPost", Integrated Automated Information System e- Min Fin, Automated System "Accounting of compulsory pension fees and social allocations", Automated Integrated Information system "electronic state purchases", work with keys and so on. additional programmes Hobby: Literature, computers, sport, cars (I have driving license category B, C). Responsible, punctual, executive and sociable, I have a great desire and ability for further professional tuition.


Higher education

West Kazakhstan innovative-technological University in Uralsk
Engineering and Technology, Civil engineering
Western Kazakhstan Engineering and Humanitarian University in Uralsk
Economy, Management



ArabicA1 — Basic

EnglishA1 — Basic

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter