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Was online more than two weeks ago


Male, 31 year, born on 28 May 1993

Not looking for a job

Almaty, willing to relocate (Astana), prepared for business trips

Business development manager

  • Sales manager, account manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule

Work experience 11 years 10 months

July 2020currently
4 years 9 months
"Tau Development" LLP

Almaty, taudevelopment.com

Head of Business Development and Digitalization Department
DUTIES: - Development and implementation of new projects. - Development and implementation of a business ecosystem for internal use and customer services. - Optimization of internal procedures, strategy and marketing plan. - Development of the company's strategy for digitalization and automation of construction facilities management. - Identification and assessment of business risks. - Calculation of business models of potential projects. THE RESULTS: * Developed and implemented the project titled "Turnkey apartments" for the company's clients, as an additional service and solution of such a problematic task of the client after receiving the keys, as the selection of a construction team for the implementation of repairs according to the design project, as well as the search for furniture and electronics for a comfortable stay. This service made it possible to simplify the lives of our clients and protect them from unskilled contractors. The company received a new marketing tool and an increase in Cashflow. The cost of the service is 15-20% lower than the market price with ensuring the quality of work performed at optimal price. In addition, this service also allowed to increase the number of transactions by 7% monthly since October of this year. * A project has been developed to automate the work of the Management Company, which discusses the commissioned residential complexes, namely, the interaction of residents with the Management Company using an application on mobile devices and CRM, thereby improving the quality of services provided, transparency of the company's financial activities, as well as payment for utilities through this application. * Developed a project and financial model for the construction of 45,000 square meters of housing in the city of Almaty. * Implemented the company's cybersecurity policy. * Optimized the company's business processes, especially the workflow between the construction unit and the head office.
January 2020June 2020
6 months
"Universal Tea" LLP

Almaty, universaltea.kz

Project Manager for Business Transformation and production process automation
DUTIES: - Manage the financial and economic activities of the Company, ensure that the Company fulfills its tasks, reorganize the current work and effective interaction of all structural divisions of the Company; - Bringing the Company out of the prolonged crisis. - Reorganization of production and automation of production processes. - Development and approval of the company's anti-crisis strategy and development strategy. - Selection and approval of candidates for senior positions of departments. - Development and approval of the Company's financial model. - Search and approve a network of distributors. - Development of own brands of tea for Kazakhstan trade and retail chains. - Development and approval of new internal business processes of the Company. - Optimization of the cost of production. - Development and approval of the Company's records management. THE RESULTS: * The production process of tea products has been reorganized, modern technological processes, technological maps and regulatory documentation have been developed and approved. • The production capacity of the plant is brought to the planned indicators: 3 shifts of 8 hours per day or 70-75 tons per month. * Reduced product cost by 11% due to the revision of previously concluded contracts for the supply of raw materials and optimization of logistics routes and costs. * Signed direct partnership agreements with producers of raw materials such as packaging film and foil. * Sales volume increased 8-fold in 4 months, thanks to the conclusion of new contracts with key players in the FMCG sector. * Signed contracts for the production of their own brands of tea products for retail chains such as Magnum and Small. * Renegotiated the lease agreement with the lessor on acceptable terms and restructured the resulting debt for previous periods. * Developed and approved by the Founder of the anti-crisis and marketing Strategy of the Company, as well as an interactive financial model.
November 2015December 2019
4 years 2 months
Embassy of Kazakhstan in India


Personal Assistant to the Ambassador of Kazakhstan to India - Head of IT & Aerospace Division
DUTIES: - Implementation of the protocol and organization of the working schedule of the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary. - Organization and support of the Ambassador during business meetings and business trips. - Implementation of the state protocol of the Embassy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as official visits and events. - Interaction with the state bodies of the Republic of India on all issues. - Attraction and support of foreign investment projects in Kazakhstan. - The development of bilateral cooperation in the field of Information technology and space exploration. - Conducting bilateral cooperation in accredited countries on a part-time basis. - Organization of high-level bilateral visits. - Organization of events of the Embassy in the host country. - Consecutive translation. THE RESULTS: * Expansion of bilateral cooperation in the field of information technology in the format of initiating joint working groups on IT and exchanging high-level visits. * Organization and support of the official visit to India of the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan on digitalization, as well as the implementation of the agreements reached as a result of the visit. * Establishment of a joint working group on cooperation in the field of space technologies. * Organization and support of the official visit to India of the Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Defense and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan. * Organization of experience exchange and professional development programs between the space agencies of the two countries. * Development and support of the investment project of the company "CG Corp Global" to create a plant for the production of instant noodles in the Turkestan region.
June 2013October 2015
2 years 5 months
Embassy of Kazakhstan in India


Assistant to the Consul General
DUTIES: - Protection of the rights and interests of citizens (individuals and legal entities) The Republic of Kazakhstan in the Republic of India, as well as providing them with assistance. - Promotion of trade, economic, cultural and scientific ties between Kazakhstan and India. - Financial reporting and document management of the Consular Service Department. - Participation in Intergovernmental working groups. - Consecutive translation.
August 2013January 2014
6 months
"DarMedicus" Medical Center LLP


Specialist of the department for the development of software for automating work of the Centre
DUTIES: - implementation of the analysis of the needs of the subject area according to the developed internal business processes; - development of an automated software package for patient support from the moment of making an appointment to receiving prescribed medications at the pharmacy at the medical center. - preparation of accompanying technical documentation for the software project;


Skill proficiency levels
Operations Management
Information Technology
Information Security
Social Media Marketing
Analytical skills
Financial Modelling
Financial Planning
Team management
Business Development

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

Higher education (bachelor)

National Institute of Information Technology (NIIT)
Diploma in Software Development, Software Development
Singhania University, Rajasthan, India
Bachelor in Technology - B.Tech, Computer science & Engineering



EnglishC1 — Advanced

HindiA2 — Elementary

KazakhA1 — Basic

Tests, examinations

Koeing Solutions
Koeing Solutions, 20482B: Programming in C#
Koeing Solutions
Koeing Solutions, 20484C: Essentials of Developing Windows store Apps using C#
Koeing Solutions
Koeing Solutions, 20485C: Advanced Windows Store App Development using C#
Koeing Solutions
Koeing Solutions, 10262: Developing Windows Application with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Koeing Solutions
Koeing Solutions, Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer-I (OCA-JP 7)
Koeing Solutions
Koeing Solutions, Oracle Certified Associate, Java SE 7 Programmer-II (OCP-JP 7)
Koeing Solutions
Koeing Solutions, CEH V8

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter