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Was online more than two weeks ago


Female, 32 years, born on 8 October 1992

Not looking for a job

Atyrau, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

Координатор проекта

500 000  in hand

  • Project manager

Employment: full time

Work schedule: full day, rotation based work

Work experience 11 years 5 months

December 2020currently
4 years 4 months


Business Services... Show more

3GP HES Administrator
- Conduct 3GP site induction fot newcomers - Register employees for required trainings - Booking accommodation for workers - Work with procurement group on purchasing necessary stuff - Make access to site via PAMS/VAMS systems - Arrange logistics requests - Ensure the offices provided with all necessary stationery/equipment and HES stuff - Making translations upon request - Perform the tasks as per Manager’s requests. - Other administrative duties
March 2020October 2020
8 months

Kazakhstan, fircroft.com

Business Services... Show more

Admin Coordinator
• Transportation and accommodation, air tickets arrangements for staff; • Submission expense reports of employees; • Resolving of finance payment issues related to expense reports; • Create and modify internal corporate share point; • Make translations, both written and verbal, as per requested; • Perform other duties that comply with the held position as directed by line manager
January 2017March 2020
3 years 3 months
Norsec Delta Projects LLP


Radio Inventory Analyst
• Organization and planning of inventory process, ensuring the timely implementation; • Analysis and evaluation of the results of the inventory; • Interaction with other TCO departments on inventory, problem solving with customers; • Formation of reports (weekly, monthly, yearly, etc.) for managers • Monitoring the safety (storage, warehousing, accounting) of goods and material values of the company; • Order products and other necessary items for the operation, problem solving in dealing with suppliers; • Maintaining an electronic inventory database Tango (constant updating of information in accordance with the movement of materials, making an analysis and reports); • Administration of all processes with radio stations (issue, dismount, programming, maintenance, sending for repair) • interaction with other departments of the organization (accounting, delivery service, security group)
January 2016December 2017
2 years
KazMunaiGas Service - Compass LLP for TCO Kemel group
Communication Coordinator
• Responsible for organizing, administrating and monitoring the health and welfare program for the Tengizchevroil in Shanyrak and TCO Villages. • Promote, organize, and execute sporting events, recreational activities and local fund raising events. • Design and create information brochures and marketing materials for Kemel Health campaigns, such as 10 000 steps a Day, 5k Run/Walk Charity Event and etc. • Communication responsibilities for official Kemel Website updates, Marketing and Promotional • Marketing and Promotion of the wellness program, responsible for design of leaflets, posters and etc. and content of each campaign. • Work with the TCO Clinic on health campaigns • Work with the Nutritionist to organize actions for improving nutritional and wellness planning • Management responsibilities for the day to day interaction of the Gym attendants with the KEMEL Health and Wellness Program • Management on proper working of the Cinema, resolving issues with provider and clients • Work with TCO EAP representative on organization of presentation • Work with Kemel Health champions-volunteers on questions of improving the work environment of employees. • Working on resolving of any comments and complaints from clients. • Identify critical training requirements and refresher training for employees, and ensure that this is carried out in a timely manner. • Event management and coordination of all Charity Events • Administration duties working with TCO administration systems to obtain approvals for new equipment and follow through with order process • All written/verbal translations for the Kemel department
February 2015January 2016
1 year
“ESS Support Services” LLP

Automotive Business... Show more

HSE Administrator
Rotation 14/14 • Make translations, both written and verbal, as per requested; • Receipt of documents for manager’s approval; • Transportation and accommodation, train tickets arrangements for staff; • Purchasing of stationery and materials for office; • Assist in the preparation of incident, investigation reports and maintain records; • Prepare reports, position papers, HR applicatons and other data; • Input BBS Observations onto the database • Perform other duties that comply with the held position as directed by line manager
September 2014February 2015
6 months
International Law Firm “Integrites Kazakhstan”

Almaty, www.integrites.com

Business Services... Show more

• Receipt and sending of incoming/outgoing correspondence; • Answering incoming phone calls; • Preparation of conference rooms for meetings; • Receipt of documents for manager’s approval; • Transportation and accommodation, airtickets arrangements for company personnel; • Purchasing of stationery for office.
April 2014September 2014
6 months

Kazakhstan, pwc.com

Financial Sector... Show more

Intern at PwC Training Academy
• Organization of trainings, coffee breaks, lunches, preparation of handouts for training attendees; • Preparation of invoices, obtaining signatures prior to sending it to clients; • Drafting contracts for training services, preparation of spreadsheets upon request of Administration Manager; •Transportation and accommodation arrangements for tutors of Academy trainings.
August 2013August 2013
1 month
“Tengizchevroil” LLP

Atyrau, www.tengizchevroil.com

Oil and Gas... Show more

Intern at Legal Department
2 weeks internship • Translation upon requests; • Attendance to the court session together with legal representative; • Assistance with archiving of documents.
June 2013July 2013
2 months
“Bureau Veritas Kazakhstan” LLP

Almaty, www.bureauveritas.kz

Assistant of Administrative Manager
• Translation of company documents (HSE booklets, information boards etc.); • Formatting of the documents (PDF, Word); • Perform the tasks as per Administrative manager’s requests.
August 2012August 2012
1 month
ILF Kazakhstan Engineering and Project Management

Atyrau, www.ilf.com

Assistant of Administrative Manager
• Answer the incoming calls; • Register the incoming/outgoing correspondence; • Make requests for badges and business cards for the personnel; • Order the stationery; • Update the personnel database; • Update and prepare the information board; • Air tickets and transportation arrangements for the personnel; • Hotel reservation for arriving personnel; • Coordination and problem solving related to the personnel living apartments; • Search for the suppliers providing services for the paper recycling; • Perform the tasks as per HR and Accounting manager’s requests. The reference letter is available.
July 2012August 2012
2 months
Petroleum Facilities E&C Limited


Assistant of Administration & HR Coordinator
• Review and sort out the CV’s of potential candidates; • Contact the candidates and arrange preliminary phone interviews; • Check the timesheets, prepare rotation schedules of the employees; • Arrangements for medical check-ups related to visa, work permit arrangements; • Other administrative duties. The reference letter is available.
June 2012June 2012
1 month
Eurasian bank JSC

Almaty, www.eurasian-bank.kz

Financial Sector... Show more

Assistant in HR Department
• Review and sort out the CV’s of potential candidates • Contact the candidates and arrange interviews • Work on computer upon request of department manager • Work with Lotus Notes.


Skill proficiency levels
уверенное владение ПК,
опыт работы на выставках, презентация продукции

About me

Хорошие организационные навыки, результативность, коммуникабельность, ответственность и инициативность

Incomplete higher education

Казахский университет международных отношений и мировых языков имени Абылай хана, Алматы
2 иностранных языка, Англ/ Франц, Бакалавр



Professional development, courses

Presentation skills
PwC Academy, Sales & sailing
Communication skills
PwC Academy, Sales & sailing

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour