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Was online less than a week ago


Female, 27 years, born on 21 January 1998

Not looking for a job

Almaty, metro station Moscow, willing to relocate, prepared for occasional business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Data analyst

  • BI analyst, data analyst
  • Analyst
  • Business analyst
  • Systems analyst

Employment: full time, part time, project work

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 3 years 8 months

September 2024currently
7 months
ТОО Аврора Сервис
Data analyst
- Development, improvement and automation of Power bi, Excel, Google sheet reports. - Develop and implement data analyses. - Experience in ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) processes, including data extraction from various sources, transformation using business logic, and loading into data warehouses. - Experienced in creating and managing tasks, assigning responsibilities, and tracking progress in Bitrix24.
October 2022May 2023
8 months

Educational Institutions... Show more

TechOrda Grant Holder Professional training - Bootcamp: Analysis and work with big data (Power BI, SQL, Excel) • Power BI: ETL, Power Query, DAX, Model + Visualization, Parameters, Functions, Row-level security • SQL: SQL(MySQL), SSMS, DDL, DML, TCL, DCL, Subqueries, Substring Function, Window function, CTE, Case WHEN • Excel: VLOOKUP, functions, Power Query, сводные таблицы Microsoft/Microsoft Certified: Azure Data Fundamentals https://www.credly.com/badges/06264bba-1bc8-4be7-9453-b4f781c0f764/linked_in_profile A project was developed as part of the course https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiMTZiNGM0NzMtYjM3NS00ZGZhLWE0ZjItYzE2MzAwN2I4ZjI4IiwidCI6IjZlZWVhZjNlLTY3MTItNDhhNC05NzY3LTNmY2E1NGUxMTc1YyIsImMiOjl9
June 2020May 2021
1 year
IT Support Group
Senior IT specialist
- certification and control of performance of their work; - receiving, processing and registering user requests by phone, e-mail, Teamviewer, jivosite, skype, whatsapp chats in CRM in company with 14 filials on all Kazakhstan - Helpdesk, IT support for the office, consultations and solving complex technical problems of users on working with office software and equipment; - creation, setup of accounts in AD; - setting 1C; - setting up printers, scanners, various MFPs, network scanning, accepting requests for refilling cartridges; - installation/configuration of various software; - Experience with administration of Microsoft 365; - setting up tax programs (SONO, taxpayer's office, EGOV, etc.) and client banks; - advising users on technical issues, remote work through Teamviewer.
June 2019August 2019
3 months

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Social project manager
- Creation of a training course on the stepik.org platform: Linux OS, C++, Arduino, raspberry pi, web programming. - Development of a mobile application for Android OS in Java as part of the Quantorium project festival guide.
November 2018August 2019
10 months
IT Support Group
IT specialist
- certification and control of performance of their work - receiving, processing and registering user requests by phone, e-mail, Teamviewer, jivosite, skype, whatsapp chats in CRM in company with 14 filials on all Kazakhstan - Helpdesk, IT support for the office, consultations and solving complex technical problems of users on working with office software and equipment - creation, setup of accounts in AD - setting 1C - setting up printers, scanners, various MFPs, network scanning, accepting requests for refilling cartridges - installation/configuration of various software - setting up tax programs (SONO, taxpayer's office, EGOV, etc.) and client banks - advising users on technical issues
November 2017May 2018
7 months

Kazakhstan, www.tele2.kz

Telecommunications, Communications... Show more

Call centr operator
Consulting subscribers on communication issues, tariffs and services Solving various technical issues of subscribers There was an internship in the technical department (working in Excel, familiarization with the principle of communication) and training in the backoffice (processing and resolving requests from the call center)


Skill proficiency levels
Подготовка отчетов
Работа с базами данных
Data Analysis
MS Outlook
Android SDK
Сбор и анализ информации
MS Excel
Google Docs
Presentation skills
Big Data
Analytical skills
MS Office

About me

Technical Experience: Android studio: mobile development in two degree projects; Quantorium project - mobile applications for Android OS in Java “Bootcamp: Analysis and working with data: SQL, PowerBI, Excel” - DataBoom Creation of educational programs on the Stepik.org platform: Linux OS, C++, Java, Arduino, raspberry pi, web programming. Work in 1C: Creation, granting rights to the user, exchanges, MCC, updating Microsoft Certification: Azure Data Fundamentals (https://www.credly.com/badges/06264bba-1bc8-4be7-9453-b4f781c0f764/public_url) Personal project Power Bi: https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiNDJhNjg1MTctZjYyOS00MmQ4LWJiOTItNDhmYTQ2ZjA5YzUzIiwidCI6IjZlZWVhZjNlLTY3MTItNDhhNC05NzY3LTNmY2E1NGUxMTc1YyIsImMiOjl 9 Project management in Trello

Higher education (master)

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk Polytechnic University, TPU
Applied mathematics and computer science, Applied Mathematics and Informatics (Master of Applied Mathematics and Informatics)
Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications (AUPET) named after G. Daukeev)
Aerospace and information technology, Computer hardware and software



EnglishB1 — Intermediate

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter