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Female, 50 years, born on 9 September 1974

Offered a job, is now deciding

Almaty, not willing to relocate, not prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Economic and financial manager

  • Chief financial officer (CFO)
  • Financial manager

Employment: part time

Work schedule: shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 29 years 4 months

November 2024currently
5 months


Financial Sector... Show more

Financial Analitics
1. Automation of Management Reporting - P&L, CashFlow, Balance Sheet, Budget from scratch 2. ABC-Analysis, PivotTable, Pareto Chart, Pricing. 3. Ratio Calculation - ROI, 4. Excel (Vlookup, SumIfs, Index, SearchProduct, PivotTable, PivotDiagramm, Dropdown Cells, Filters, FIGURES. 5. Google sheet (ImportRange, Dashboards, etc.) 6. Costing, Pricing, AllocationCostCenters. 7. Financial modelling - NPV, IRR 8. Calculation of Inventory Surplus/Inventory Shortage (Understock/Overstock), Credit Limit (Overdue Debt/Overdue Debt)
September 2022October 2024
2 years 2 months
Akbars Strroy Ltd.


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Financial Manager
1) Fill up registers for payment, Manage company’s financial operations (budgeting, forecasting, financial planning) 2) Drawing up a Budget, Operating and Control Operations in Excel and in 1C. 3) Transfer of all management reporting from Excel to 1C accounting software- preparation of technical specifications f to ITspecialist. 4) Prepare accurate and timely financial reports (profit and loss statements, balance sheets, and cash flow analyses). Plan/Act/Forecast analyses by Projects. ABC analyses by Pivot Table, Unit-economics by Cost centers analyses 5) Analyze financial data to identify trends, risks, and opportunities, and provide recommendations to management. 6) Collaborate with Accounting, Supply and other departments to clearify financial decision-making and cash flow planning 7) Preparation of presentations based on the results of the prepared analysis for Management
May 2010August 2022
12 years 4 months
Bookkeeping for 4 companies on a simplified basis and Own online store,

Almaty, whitedishes.satu.kz/

Accountant or owner of private business
1) bookkeeping for individual entrepreneurs and limited liability partnerships in a simplified mode 2) for my own online store: a) purchase of goods at Chinese wholesale sites, shipment across China, tracking the movement of goods in China, negotiations with Chinese suppliers, processing returns, logistics in Almaty b) accepting orders, sending orders to the regions of Kazakhstan or Almaty, issuing invoices to customers, drawing up contracts c) maintaining the register of individual entrepreneurs and limited liability partnerships, reporting to the tax office (forms 910, 200), accrual of employees' salaries, personnel records
December 2008May 2009
6 months

Kazakhstan, www.aig.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

Chief accountant
Includes all aspects of accounting activity, excluding internet banking and cash. Reports to National bank of RK (decades, half-monthly, monthly, quaterly etc.). Transfer all accounting booking system from accounting software ACCPAC to the 1С 8,0. Work with IT spesialists.
August 2002February 2007
4 years 7 months
Office Solutions Ltd.


Financial director
Financial control. Preparation of reports: P&L, Budget, Cash flow, Commission calculation, prediction Cash flow. Control of logistic department. Organising the control of warranty furniture. Control and editing the Contract. Foreign suppliers and foreign client. Abroad accounts.. etc.
March 2001June 2002
1 year 4 months
Kazakh Traval International Ltd / BTI Kazakhstan


Financial analitic
Financial control. Organization of the structure and developing the accounting/financial department of the Company Kazakh Travel International for eventual integration a more professional and structured Company into Business Travel International (global partner) The objective is to create a more transparent and commercially attractive company to sell to BTI (or others foreign partners)
December 1998August 1999
9 months

Kazakhstan, www.aig.ru

Financial Sector... Show more

• All aspects of accounting activity (including salary calculations and cash deals) in accordance with kazakstani tax legislation; • reports to National Bank of RK, reports to Head Quaters, internal financial reports; • implementation of accounting software ACCPAC.
July 1998November 1998
5 months
Alsim alarko branch in kazakhstan (Turkish construction company built tobacco factory for Philip Morris in Energeticheskiy village)


Construction, Real Estate, Architecture... Show more

Deputy chief accountant
• All aspects of accounting activity (including salary calculations and cash deals) in accordance with kazakstani tax legislation; • Operations on export/import, calculations расчет себестоимости; • Отчеты по операциям с нерезидентами,с дебиторами и кредиторами стран СНГ; • Custom clearance operations.
September 1991July 1998
6 years 11 months
Wine factory "Eles", Munaishi service ltd, gamid ltd


Oil and Gas... Show more

Chief accountant
• Reports to investors, annual financial reports, control of all payments to the budget (taxes - excise, all types of income tax, VAT, payments to budgetary and non-budgetary funds); • Control over the timely and complete reflection of the company's assets and liabilities in accounting records (concerning the entire cycle from grape growing to retail sales of finished wine); • Establishment of centralized warehouse control; • Implementation and training of accounting staff in the use of accounting program 1-C; • Accounting has been transferred from manual to computer processing; • Advice on taxation for projects developed in the organization


Skill proficiency levels
Advanced level
1C: Бухгалтерия
Пользователь ПК
MS PowerPoint
MS Outlook
Adobe Photoshop
1C: Зарплата и кадры
Первичная бухгалтерская документация
Бухгалтерская отчетность
1С: Предприятие 8
Medium level
Английский язык
Level not specified
Финансовый контроль
Финансовая отчетность
1С: Розница
Учет затрат
Business Planning
Driving Licence B
Деловая переписка
Водительское удостоверение категории B
Финансовый анализ
Финансовое планирование
MS Internet Explorer
Кадровое делопроизводство
Телефонные переговоры
Офисная техника
1С: Торговля и склад
Работа в команде

Driving experience

Driver's license category B

Higher education (master)

Financial Analitics
Wageningen Univercity, The Netherlands.
Environmental Science, Environmental Economics
Economics, Management and business in construction



Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Up to one hour