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ЗарегистрироватьсяWas online yesterday at 22:32
Male, 30 years, born on 1 May 1994
Considers offers
Almaty, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips
The approximate area of the job search is specified
Senior Frontend Developer
- Programmer, developer
Employment: full time
Work schedule: full day, shift schedule, flexible schedule, remote working
Work experience 6 years 4 months
July 2022 — currently
2 years 9 months
Software developer
— Legacy code reworking: moving from Ejs template to next.js components.
— Optimization and transfer of components to DevExtreme.
— BFF development to facilitate querying and retrieving serialized data
- Implemented a mechanism for collecting metrics about the operation of the application for monitoring via Sentry
— For the frontend application, I implemented a more correct feature slised design architecture, as well as unit tests for components.
— Led a team of 4 people, including me, 2 senior and 1 middle, 1 QA, 1 PM.
— We have created a new, fast and productive project, increasing the company's profit. Improved loading using optimization and Extjs. We have created a new architecture that makes it easy to add functionality. We added tests and used Storybook to prototype components.
react, next.js, nest.js, nx.js, rx.js, linaria, ejs, styled-components, typescript, MUI, chakra UI, echarts, vis.js, echarts, vite, webpack, vitest, rtk query, nginx, docker, formik, yup, zustand, redux, zod, tauri.
July 2021 — July 2022
1 year 1 month
Almaty, www.p-s.kz
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
Software engineer
— Implemented a tracking service for all goods in Kazakhstan
— Implemented a service to check the user's BIN for credit risks
— Team recruitment, interviews, onboarding
— I drew an interactive map of Kazakhstan with points based on echarts by connecting GeoJSON maps to it
— Migration of the Vue code from version 2.6 to 3.0
— created 2 graphs for data analysis with date filters (daily, weekly, monthly and yearly). The charts included general data about the user's recordings, reproduced using the line chart, bar chart & pie chart. Each point on the graph can be studied in detail.;
— adaptive layout based on Figma layouts
— created linked graphs for products and their relationships based on vis.js
— implemented a tree-like relationship card, without using libraries
react, next.js, vue, nuxt, pinia, vuex, vuetify, styled-components, typescript, echarts, vis.js, chart.js, formik, yup, webpack, web-workers.
July 2019 — July 2021
2 years 1 month
Almaty, facaplate.io
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
— Rendering of various visualization graphs
— Training of interns and junior developers
— Drawing up a practice plan
— Working with big data
— Implemented a full cycle of exporting/importing tables on the backend (erlang) and on the front (JS)
— Code optimization, refactor from es5 to es6
— Getting rid of callback hell, towards Promise
Native JS, jQuery, D3, React, erlang, ws, webpack, html5, css3, scss, Ghost, MongoDB, Postgres, Node/Express, Integration with payment service
December 2018 — July 2019
8 months
Tomsk, r70.ru/
IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more
full-stack developer
— Debugging and finding project errors
— Implementation of new web applications based on CMS systems
— Connection of payment systems from Sberbank
— Adaptive layout based on the Figma template & Adobe Photoshop
— Development of new modules for the admin panel
— Development of new modules for the project "на Автобус"
Php, MySQL, Yii2, CodeIgniter, Wordpress, JQuery, Git, JavaScript, CMS, MySQL
Skill proficiency levels
Driving experience
Own car
Driver's license category BAbout me
ответственен, терпелив, не конфликтный, веселый))
Git: https://gitlab.com/Sibatov/core
Higher education (master)
ИК, Системная инженерия программного обеспечения
Радиотехники и телекоммуникации, Телекоммуникация и связь
Citizenship, travel time to work
Citizenship: Kazakhstan
Permission to work: Kazakhstan
Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter