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Female, 50 years, born on 21 January 1975

Offered a job, is now deciding

Astana, willing to relocate, prepared for business trips

The approximate area of the job search is specified

Data Architect, Solution Architect, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Business Analyst

  • BI analyst, data analyst
  • Business analyst
  • Data scientist
  • Analytics department manager
  • Project manager

Employment: full time, part time, project work, volunteering, work placement

Work schedule: full day, flexible schedule, remote working

Work experience 28 years 8 months

April 2023currently
2 years
Центр Поддержки Цифрового Правительства

Astana, govtec.kz/

Government Organizations... Show more

Data Architect
Portfolio in GitHub https://aisaule-wonder.github.io/AisauleWebPortfolio/ Analysis of data and enterprise architecture at the level of government agencies, analysis of existing information systems for government domains. Development of methodology for Conceptual Data Model data architecture metamodel by industry, identification of entities and attributes. Apply technical knowledge of programming Python, Machine Learning for data hypothesis and scenarios with MS SQL, Azure SQL DB, Azure PostgreSQL. Development and implementation of predictive machine learning models. Creating models for data analysis using ML tools and Python. Hands-on skills on applying Python library (Pandas, Numpy) and tools Jupyter Notebook, Google Colabs. Data visualization tools MS Power BI, Tableau for government data reporting with metamodels. Skills and technology stack: Dev tools: SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, SQL Server Data Tools. Data Analysis: R, Python (Pandas, NumPy), SQL, MATLAB, SAS Data Visualization: Tableau, Power BI, QlikView, MS Visio Machine Learning: TensorFlow, Spark MLlib Big Data Technologies: Hadoop, Spark, MongoDB, Azure SQL DB Application of methodology for developing the architecture of government agencies, TOGAF methodology for describing the architecture of government agencies by sector of activity. Development of a methodology for determining the main master data and constructing a conceptual data model of Digital Government with a description of the ArchiMate tool. Construction of a diagram for defining the main master data, description of objects and subjects, entities, attributes. Application of the DAMA DMBook (Data Knowledge Management) data management methodology.
November 2021April 2023
1 year 6 months

Astana, www.p-s.kz

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

Data Analyst (Microsoft Power BI, SQL, DAX, Tableau, Python)
Portfolio in GitHub https://aisaule-wonder.github.io/AisauleWebPortfolio/ Data analysis and visualization for corporate companies using Microsoft Power BI (DAX), SQL server database, ETL, 1C, R. R, Python (Pandas, NumPy), SQL, MATLAB, SAS, Excel (Advanced). Dev tools: SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, SQL Server Data Tools. Normalization data of customers, cleaning, preprocessing. Performing operations like Data reconciliation, validation, and error handling. Programming language Python and R. Collaborated with senior developers to identify key data points necessary for Dataset and Data Connection, Data Warehouse environment, Google Analytics. Developed Reports and dashboards for business users using Microsoft BI, study reports using Tableau. Making suggestions for improving business processes. Customer roadmap analysis, segmentation analysis of the client base. Analysis of key performance indicators and generation of hypotheses on growth points. Analysis of the effectiveness of projects and products: insights, conclusions, recommendations. Create reports in the form of showcases, dashboards in the context of key metrics. Evaluation of the effectiveness of sources of investments, sales, net profit, margin. Evaluation of the effectiveness of advertising marketing campaigns. Used statistical techniques and Python programming to interpret complex data sets, facilitating a 15% increase in operational efficiency. Mentored 3+ analysts in data analysis techniques and proper use of data tools, boosting overall team performance by 20%. Created customized data algorithms that simplified business data interpretation, resulting in operation increase by 30%. Online completed courses: Python for Data Analysis, Microsoft Power BI Data Analysis and Visualization, Google BigQuery for Data Analysts.
March 2020November 2021
1 year 9 months
Getman IT Dienstleistungen & Tontechnik


IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

IT Project Manager
Full time Project management IT on SQL Server Data Migration with Agile development approach. Developers team consist of 4 developers to work on SQL server scripting using functions and procedures, testing of scripts. Agile sprint planning every 2 weeks, stand up meetings daily with customers IT Team, use of Kanban board. Business logic on scripting development using MS SQL database, application User Interface, Agile software development iterations and deliverables. Confluence knowledge base web site and JIRA Agile Kanban Board, work log progress.
May 2017February 2020
2 years 10 months

Atyrau, www.honeywell.ru

IT, System Integration, Internet... Show more

IT Site Leader
Project management with consists of Business Process development for Reliability, Mechanical Integrity and Plant annual maintenance and shutdown, implementation of 4 major IT systems (Data Classificatory system for master data management, IBM Maximo for Plant maintenance management system, Meridium APM system for Reliability, Mechanical Integrity and Inspection system, Equipment Monitoring system, Downtime reporting system). Система управления ТОРО (IBM MAXIMO), Система Управления инспекциями и Обеспечения Надежности (Meridium APM), Система Управления Мониторингом оборудования (Uniformance Asset Sentinel), Система Учета простоев (Downtime Reporting). IT Scope consist of procurement hardware and software licenses, installation of hardware in the server room with subcontract companies, configuring and settings of all project virtual servers. License setup and activation, license tracking. Coordinating all IT related activities between customer and subcontract companies. A site survey for the formation of system business requirements and solutions, Evaluating all phases of systems deployment stages: * Diagnosis, Analysis and Design, * Prototype configuration and testing, ; * deployment and setting up of productive system, ; * Trial operation and support of productive operations. ; * Integration with ERP, Integration with iJaNet, Integration with DCS\Smart Instruments\MES, integration test between existing systems in the plant and new systems. ;
June 2015June 2017
2 years 1 month


Business Services... Show more

Business Applications Solution Architect in IT
Использование различных инструментов управления бизнес-процессами ARIS, MS Visio для построения концептуальных схем. Каталог портфеля приложений для текущего используемого программного обеспечения, используемого в компании и дочерних компаниях, а также будущих классов и модулей библиотеки приложений, которые будут указаны в каталоге портфеля приложений. Использование методологии архитектуры информационных технологий TOGAF на разных этапах оценки: - Предварительный этап - Архитектурное видение; - Бизнес-архитектура по бизнес-процессам; - Архитектура информационных систем - архитектура приложений, отображаемая для каждого бизнес-процесса, и архитектура данных, соответствующая стратегии данных; — Technology Architecture — инфраструктурная серверная облачная архитектура; - Возможности и решения - Планирование миграции - Управление реализацией - Управление изменениями архитектуры - Этап управления требованиями
March 2014May 2015
1 year 3 months
Microsoft Kazakhstan


Application Platform Solution Sales Specialist
Пройдены сценарии продаж решений на базе MS SQL Server, SQL Business Intelligence, Power BI с облачным решением Office 365, MS SharePoint. Разработка и обсуждение бизнес-потребностей клиентов в Microsoft Business Intelligence, конкуренция с другими поставщиками Business Intelligence. Создание эффективных бизнес-решений, которые привлекают клиентов, увеличивают доход от продуктов и используют партнерскую экосистему Microsoft. * Разработка эффективной платформы приложений/бизнес-аналитики/и модернизации платформы с квалифицированными возможностями. ; * Работа с менеджерами по работе с клиентами/специалистами по технологиям работы с клиентами/службами во время планирования учетной записи для заполнения профилей клиентов с учетом роста платформы приложений. ; * Выявляйте пробелы в платформе приложений в целевых учетных записях, выполняя оценку планирования клиентов. Используя эти оценки пробелов, создайте план работы с клиентами, который учитывает эти пробелы, используя при этом внутренние, партнерские и сервисные ресурсы. ; * Выявление конкурентных недостатков платформы приложений в целевых учетных записях и способов, с помощью которых Microsoft может вытеснить конкуренцию или увеличить долю технологий Microsoft в учетных записях.
August 2011March 2014
2 years 8 months


Oil and Gas... Show more

Business Applications Portfolio Management Coordinator
Applications portfolio management and Software contract management for basic and collaborative NCOC software's analysis and license renewal for next years. Worked closely with Contracts & Procurement contract engineers and Finance department on software contracts management. Conduct Analysis of software used by Business departments and software no longer used, informing software manufacture's about analysis results. Prepared and executed with contract engineer a tender process for basic and collaborative software's for awarding local software supplier. Monthly meetings on business demand management feedback and analysis to purchase software or develop new software based on business analysis meetings. Focal point for assigned departments: * Project coordination (Planning software, Scheduling and Risk management software) ; * Technical Services (Geomatics, Surface, Subsurface, Information Management, Physical Records) ; * Strategy Planning and Cost Control software's ; * Engineering Process and Technology software's ; * HSE applications (Environmental and other HSE software's software) ; * Legal applications ; * Translation Services software's Worked closely with Technical Directorate Technical Services: * Data and Information management software analysis- EP Catalogue relevant use in NCOC (Venture Information catalogue), meta-data creation and identification in Data types, document types, extraction transformation and load process for meta-data and attributes in EP Catalogue. ; * Information management tools SharePoint for NCOC Intranet pages, InfoPath forms creations for department web forms and collaboration eRoom for documents sharing in external web site. * Business applications- Oracle Primavera, Microsoft software's, Workshare, economics Wood Mackenzie, cost estimations IHS Que$tor, Engineering software's Aspen Tech with Flare Net, UniSim Design Suite, SDL Translation software, Paragraph Jurist software, 1C software for Finance and HR processes. * Integrate with IM team on Information Handling procedure, NCSPA Venture Information Architecture analysis, NCSPSA Information Management Framework analysis, NCSPSA Information Management Strategy IM Principles. Venture Application Portfolio data analysis for NCOC applications, NCPOC applications, and AKCO applications. Categorization with Business Applications Projects & Shared Services manager different type of software used for internal NCOC business. Developing business demand management for key business areas and regular meetings with Business stakeholder directorates and departments business focal points. Planning and analysis of business demand for entire year with the business demand meetings. Defining critical applications and disaster recovery procedures for critical applications identified by business directorates. * Project coordination (Primavera) * Technical Services (Geomatics, Surface, Subsurface, Information Management, Physical Records) * Strategy Planning. Scope of work IT Services Delivery & Support supervisory role. Leads a significant team within the Venture ITSM Service Desk and provides the leadership, guidance and mentoring to the team. Performs and provides guidance and mentorship to other team members to enable them to perform the following activities. Perform communication activities for the other ITIL processes (e.g. Release notifications, change schedules, Service Level Management reports). Understands and ensures security and compliance regulations and procedures are followed by staff. Report to Management and customers (through Service Management) on Service Desk performance. Receive all calls and e-mails on incidents. Classification, prioritization of calls and incidents, Incident Escalation, search for work around. Update the customer and IT group on progress. Possesses a sound knowledge of IT and knowledge of several generic desktop software tools and, where applicable, deeper knowledge of more than one of the software applications used within own organization. Escalate and route unresolved call tickets as incidents to relevant support teams, and work together to restore normal IT service operations as quickly as possible. Follow standard procedures to update incident log, documenting necessary details in a central repository, progress checking, and ensuring that diagnostic information is provided for error resolution and incident analysis.
August 1996August 2011
15 years 1 month


Applications Support, Project Controller
Политика в области информационных технологий 24. Процесс и процедуры управления: инициирование проекта, согласование функций предметной области, определение приоритетов проекта, анализ закупок, анализ архитектуры, согласование ИТ. Вместе с архитектором подразделения и супервайзером PPMO проанализируйте контент-анализ Политики 24 на основе форматов глобальной политики 564 в диаграммах рабочих процессов и подготовьтесь к обучению и исполнению с местными обученными ИТ-архитекторами. Содействие проведению совещаний по извлеченным урокам. Анализ базы данных и проведение ретроспективного обзора выполнения крупных ИТ-проектов и экономического анализа финансового бюджета проекта: для глобального проекта GIL3. Провел несколько ежемесячных совещаний по ИТ-системам, шаблон ежеквартальных электронных сообщений ИТ-специалистов. Планирование и координация визитов на предприятие по вопросам глобальной эффективности добывающих ИТ, февраль – март 2011 г., совещания по анализу каталога портфеля приложений, совещания семинаров поставщиков, собеседование в отделе глобальных корпоративных функций, планирование собеседований с руководителями бизнес-подразделений. Посетил 12 семинаров программы PMI (Институт управления проектами) 2011 года, проведенных в аудитории Атырауского учебного центра с 15 марта по 7 июня 2011 года, и получил сертификат на общую сумму 35 часов занятий, подтвержденный зарегистрированным поставщиком образовательных услуг PMI R.E.P и подписанный координаторами программы. Процесс собеседования и найма: примите участие в собеседовании и процессе найма в отдел ИТ-планирования и управления проектами.


Skill proficiency levels
MS SQL Server
Business Analysis
Microsoft Power BI
Data Analysis
Data Mining
Анализ данных
Data Scientist
Умение принимать решения
Базы данных
Big Data
Power BI
Оптимизация бизнес процессов
SQL Server
Microsoft Visual Studio

Driving experience

Driver's license category A

About me

Portfolio in GitHub https://aisaule-wonder.github.io/AisauleWebPortfolio/ Опыт работы в применении инструментов Data Analysis and Data Visualization, TOGAF, ARIS, Archimate, BPMN Camunda, Bizagi Modeler. SQL Server Management Studio, Visual Studio, SQL Server Data Tools. Python developer skills на инструментах Jupyter Notebook, Google Colab.

Higher education

South Kazakhstan State Technical University by M. Auezova
Information Technology, Automatic & Information Technology Systems Management



EnglishC2 — Proficiency

RussianC2 — Proficiency

Citizenship, travel time to work

Citizenship: Kazakhstan

Permission to work: Kazakhstan

Desired travel time to work: Doesn't matter